A Plea From The Community to the API Team

For many many months and almost a year the api has been plagued with bugs missing data and endpoints just not working.

We understand that the team has suffered from staffing issues, BUT we have had almost no communication from the api team in terms of issues and what’s happening. A lot of community sites and tools use the api and the data has been unreliable for many things. Im not one to make waves but being a dev for a site for my guilds that relies on the api for its use many many things have fallen short in the past years.

We don’t expect miracles but at least let us know you are doing something, maybe we have been herd? and that maybe things will get fixed as time goes on? or a Current up-to-date api issues thread that is updated with changes and fixes so we can keep track ( like a change log kind of )

We hope to hear from the Community Managers at some point.

A Patiently waiting Dev and MVP


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