Copy-pasted API url returns 404?

I fill in the parameters on the API doc site for the auctions and it works. But I copy and paste the identical url into Postman or my browser and it returns 404. Why?

Upon further testing I find that swapping the connected-realm value 97 with 67 works. 67 is the realm ID that the server belongs to when I look it up manually, but this returns a 404 on the documentation ‘Try It’ section. I forgot where I got the 97 value that made it work there, but that makes it work, then it fails in all other places. This is horribly misleading.

Possibly related to this bug I guess: API docs page not updating request url properly

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Unfortunate. At least it is just a value issue, and not the formatting of the url itself being invalid.
Unrelated: Hi Schiller! Your posts appear everywhere and have been very helpful to me thus far. Thanks for your contribution!

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