Cannot see online friends in MW3 or Warzone

Tried this. Didn’t work. Kept saying it was empty or with invalid letters.

Hey all,

This forum is only for assistance with the Bnet desktop app. Blizzard does not develop CoD and will not be able to provide assistance with settings or activities inside the game. This is noted at the top of the forum:

Please seek out Activision for assistance.

thanks, than write activision an email with this problem.
it would have taken the same time!


:rocket:Definitive bypass for the friend list bug that causes the list to appear offline.

Hello everyone, I’ve been facing the issue of not being able to play with my friends for three days now because it shows that I’m offline to them, and it also shows that they are offline to me. I’ve decided to share the bypass that has been working for me, and I hope it helps you until the developers fix this bug.

Reminder: Update to the beta version. No, this alone does not fix the problem, but it gets your PC ready for future updates.

Bypass method 01 - Play with your friends via Discord. There, it’s possible for them to invite you, and you can join their party.

Bypass method 02 - Access MW3 and go to the DMZ. This will open MW2 and you will appear online. From there, your friends can call you, or you can go to their group.

Bypass method 03 - Purchase MW3. As far as I’ve seen, my friends who have MW3 can bypass through the story mode or multiplayer.

I hope I’ve helped you! Please interact with this post so that other players can discover the methods.


Bypass definitivo para bug na lista de amigos que faz com que a lista apareça offline.

Olá pessoal, estou há três dias enfrentando o problema de não conseguir jogar com meus amigos, pois aparece para eles que estou offline e para mim também aparece que eles estão offline. Resolvi compartilhar o bypass que tem resolvido comigo e espero que ajude vocês até que os desenvolvedores corrijam esse bug.

Lembrete: Atualize a para a versão beta. Não, isso por si só não corrige o problema, mas deixa seu PC preparado para futuras atualizações.

Modo de bypass 01 - Jogue com seus amigos via Discord. Por lá, é possível que eles te convidem e você possa entrar na party deles.

Modo de bypass 02 - Acesse o MW3 e vá para o DMZ. Isso fará com que abra o MW2 e você apareça online. De lá, seus amigos podem te chamar ou você pode ir para o grupo deles.

Modo de bypass 03 - Compre o MW3. Até onde eu vi, meus amigos que têm o MW3 conseguem fazer o bypass através do modo história ou multiplayer.

Espero ter ajudado vocês! Por gentileza, interaja com esse post para que outros players descubram os métodos.


My game was doing the same thing. my freinds are showing online now when i removed clan tags and restarted game.

how did you remove clan tag? I go to edit mine and it kicks me out

Guys, there is a workaround that worked for me too.
For example, your mate should go to 2 BR but not search yet. Then go to “Find party” using the search button at the bottom left. Then you set your language and one presses find player and the other presses search. Then it works

i am also having the same problem after i got a scan repair from playing warzone the only way i can join people is through discord

We are aware… But since Activision doesnt have a Support Forum. We come here to see if someone else has a fix since activision is useless.

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Right at the top of this very forum is a pinned thread that contains the link to Activision support.

I fixed it, if you make a clan tag it glitch’s your game showing everyone offline to resolve change regions to asian then delete clan tag, then go back to american region. hope this helps.



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actual goat, thank you very much it fixed my issue, bump this post the solution is right there!

Can Confirm that Going to DMZ to join your friends works for now… dont need mw2 for it to work.

Guys, report the bug on Activision support site. My account was all good by the next day!


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