Cannot connect Xbox account to

I am playing through Gamepass PC and cannot attempt this process through a physical xbox. Also I have tried clicking install on Diablo IV on gamepass, it brings you to the login page for and then says can’t connect accounts. I mentioned this already in my post. This method does not work, there is an issue on Blizzards end that they are aware of and hopefully fixing.

Looks like it’s working now. Go to BNet and set up your xbox connection. Then in Xbox app go to settings and turn the extension off and on again.

Already fixed by itself, did not do anything but login through xbox option

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Commented last night with the same issue. Worked just fine for me today. Not home to attempt downloading it but the connection worked just fine, no error

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Just wanted to say thanks to whoever fixed the system. Couldn’t have been easy to concentrate on troubleshooting with the sounds of pitchforks being sharpened and torches being lit in the background.

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