Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Slow or Stuck Downloads

Here we are again at this topic, I’m getting like 200 kb/s wtf is this, blizzard sucks


Thank you so much, it didn’t solve it 100% but it’s butter than before I get between 3.5 and 4 M/B

If they didnt solve the problem with the donwloads, souldnt launch a patch uptdate. Thats ridiculous. :roll_eyes:


Not 100% working for me :frowning: - If I change to Asia I can download with 2mb/s

yeah ive had to re download the whole game dude to it saying i dont enough space but now i have its just downloading at a speed of 34.69kb/s and i have a connection of 289.67DWN and 48.14UP i have no idea why they havent fixed this as its been like this for a good 4-6 weeks on eu servers

In the updating options i write 1500 and 1500 kbs, and is not stoping, im increasing sliwly the download limits, seems working…

mines not its just stuck on 34.69kb/s sadly

now in 2500kbs adn works fine. 2.5Mbs now stables.
now in 3000 but still in 2.5Mbs

this is bad tho as normally i cant down a 31gb update with out any issues in 15-25mins with my connection

but the last couple have been super slow and broken sadly where im forced in to uninstalling and redownloading the game and to mention to the freeze issues that come with once its finished downloanding lool
its just becoming a joke ive had the server issue message on my bnet dasboard for the last 4-6 weeks but if i switch us servers its seems to download a faction better noit much tho better but this shouldnt be the case concidering im in the uk

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Sadly this is not steam.

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How can a game have so many problems? How!!! I had this game since release and it just doesnt work… one problem after another every week! i swear after warzone came out it turned from bad to worse… Just fix the game! PC users shouldnt have to go through this!

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I’m having the same issue my Modern warfare is downloading at about 50-80Kb/s I will be downloading this 30gb for days this is an actual disgrace

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It’s a jooooooooooooooooke, Blizzard sort your sh*t out

i was forced in to uninstalling it was that bad saying i didnt have enough space where i have plenty just to have thye game to download at a grand speed of 34.69kb/s and my bt internet connection is one of the best in the uk atm with a 289.67DWN AND 48.14UP so how the hell can i be only getting the above kb/s lol its a joke

Guys switch to the Asian server after a couple of minutes it downloads in 3-5 mb/s hope it works for you!

I know nobody wants to hear this but I think we’ve gotta give the devs a break; its day zero of this patch so there’s obviously going to be a lot of traffic when downloading it.
We’re also in a global pandemic so the dev team are probably all working from home and its therefore not as easy to sort out.
I think we’ve just got to be a little patient and try and occupy ourselves with something else in the meantime; it’ll sort itself out.
(And for the record, I’m on PC and downloading the patch at <500 Kb/s)

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Hahah naa I hear that man! Its all me and my mates have been doing during lockdown but it is what it is

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No cause the game is full of bugs and its not working at all… i had every single call of duty title since cod 4 and activision has always done this… i dont know if you have recently played cod on pc but it was always laggy and the support was next to zero… if they couldnt keep up with the numbers of the playerbase they shouldnt have made warzone free or tweet that they banned hackers and cheaters… the game is 60 euros and ive seen games with many more players run smoothly… activision is the only company that makes huge amounts of updates cause they wont delete the previous or overwrite the previous one… even the consoles has a debate about that with activision cause its cheaper… a bug happened on pc when the game launched and they didnt erase the previous code from the last update and the game broke on pc for many users… so no a company like activision doesnt deserve a break…

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Fair play man, up to you whether you wanna be mad or not about something we probably can’t change haha. And for the record, something isn’t as easy as simply ‘erasing the previous code’ :joy:

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