BLZWEBAPI00000404 - Getting guild profile

Hi there,

Since new API changes I’ve been trying to call the new API but I keep getting the same 404 error.


Error Body:

“code”: 404,
“type”: “BLZWEBAPI00000404”,
“detail”: “Not Found”

I tried this with my Guild and my toon and all of them have logged in a day ago or less.

Is this a bug or I’m missing something?

I’m trying the calls from

if your are making the request exactly as you posted: /profile/wow/character/Ragnaros/Govinda this is probably not a bug.

Please read the documentation more carefully, as you can see in the image below the API docs tell you have to use the realm slug and the character name must be in lowercase.

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Thanks! I was not aware of lowercase.

I can confirm this problem is occurring, even with a valid Character Profile:

us .api. blizzard .com /profile/wow/character/perenolde/torrence?namespace=profile-us&locale=en_US&access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

“code”: 404,
“type”: “BLZWEBAPI00000404”,
“detail”: “Not Found”

worldofwarcraft .com /en-us/character/us/perenolde/torrence

Returns: Friendly 500 error message

You did not confirm anything, you brought up a complete different problem that produces a similar result and instead of creating a new topic revived a 3 years old topic.

Now to solve/troubleshoot your case:

Make sure this character still exists, has signed in and out of the game in the past month (week to be safe since there is a new expansion) and make sure the related account allows the sharing of data with 3rd party apps and has no privacy actions taken.