Blizzard Support Does Not Care About Their Customers

I am posting word for word my conversation tickets as of a few days ago. I am disgusted with the way they choose to respond or not really respond at all.

  • 5 Days Ago

Dear Blizzard Support Staff,

I haven’t done any of the following (non-participation, going AFK repeatedly, inappropriate Custom Game names, queuing with accounts that have been flagged for cheating, and other behavior which negatively impacts your fellow players’ experience) that my suspension was related to. I also have not logged onto the game in 2-3 days, so why am I now seeing this suspension? Lastly, I would very much appreciate if I could speak with a support representative. Thank you for your time.

Daniel N.

  • 5 Days Ago


This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies (website url) , which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at (website url)

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment

  • 5 Days Ago

(Copied my original statement to re-open the ticket)

  • 4 Days Ago

(Their response was the same except in quotations and from BlizzardCS instead of Support)

  • 4 Days Ago

Morning Blizzard Support,

I would very much appreciate an actual response from a human instead of this automated message. I feel it to be disrespectful and rude that my ticket has been replied to 2x by an automated message. I would like to know specifically why my account was suspended as I feel it was on false pretenses. Thanks for you time if an actual person reads this!

, Daniel

  • 2 Hours Ago

Greetings, Daniel!

This Game Master Fedasenari, regarding the action taken on your Overwatch account, this action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies (website url), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players, and we cannot overturn the action.

Our Terms of Use can be found at (website url)

Game Master Fedasenari
Blizzard Entertainment

Final response was from this individual Fedasenari who just copy pasted a response…
I just want to know what’s going on in their heads to be able to treat people like this. Are they so overwhelmed that they really cannot reply with a human response? The point is that I am seeing a lot of folks having similar issues and are receiving the same treatment. I just want to shed some light on this crap shoot or a reporting system they call the “Defense Matrix”. Definitely feel like I’m in the matrix alright…

Let me know what you all think, am I crazy or what lol

Daniel N.


Going through this now… I got a 9 day suspension because two individuals from the server Pagle (World of Warcraft) were harassing myself and two individuals in my guild. I did go back at them, which I explained at my ticket but they both said “Enjoy the ban” and probably gang reported me.

My tickets have been in the queue for days now (3-4 to be exact). Initially, I got an automated response, which I then replied back to asking for a legit person to review the case. No answer… I then, cancelled and resubmitted two tickets, hoping to get a response and nothing. Blizzards customer service and support has never been this bad, you think they would have operations figured out by now considering its a 20 year old company but I guess not.

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I am sorry to hear you are going through this as well. Which makes me wonder how many of their players are going through this crap just in this past year. I hope you get some clarity on your situation. My wife’s experiencing some issues with support tickets as well. If we could all just get some clarity that would be wonderful. I bet we will see something come up though soon about all this if false bans keep happening at a high rate.

For all account actions they have a template they have to use. That has been the case for at least over a decade. I assume legal and whatever other powers that be have reviewed it and mandated that everyone gets the same information depending on the outcome of the review.

There are a few options I think:

  • Overturned with an apology (false positives do happen on rare occasions)
  • Upheld with a reference to the polices to make sure folks know the terms
  • Escalated to a supervisor and closed. In which case it can be a long time before a supervisor sends a new reply.

They do not discuss or debate the account actions. They double check the logs to verify that yes, the account is flagged as violating the rules. They can check chat/game logs to verify that yes, those actions did occur. If they did, they uphold the penalty.

So that means you let people bait you into breaking the rules? Right? If you actually said anything that violates the rules, then the penalty is valid. Blizzard does not care WHY you did it, only that your chat logs do verify the infraction. Never ever take the bait. Just report them and put them on Ignore. Just FYI, the others may also have been penalized, but Blizzard won’t tell you about their account/s.

If you want more info about the WoW policies you can ask on the WoW Customer Support forum. It is NOT a means to appeal or argue - it is an Information Desk to help folks navigate support, explain policies, explain services, etc.