Blizzard Blue Post Tracker API

What happened to the blue post API that we had access to at one time where we could have our own tracker on our website? I found plenty of websites using Blizz Tracker of sorts but I wanted to use the API and build my own for my website.

I have never heard of any official API for tracking blue posts. However you might wanna see this topic: No blue posts in the "blizz tracker"

When the development portal first began, sometime after that was the blue post tracker API but since then I haven’t seen it again. I found a couple of sites that provide access to their feeds which will allow me to build what I need for now.

I have read that thread but I don’t think it will affect my development of my blizz blue tracker right now.

What I mean is you could use that to ping every few minutes and fetch new posts. Discourse is a Rails app, if you add a .json extension it will return data pretty close to a real API format.

Ooooh, didn’t know that. Thanks, I’ll give that a go around and see what I can come up with.

EDIT: So I gave it a go with this link: Blizz tracker - World of Warcraft Forums

I added .json and it didn’t work but individual threads I open and add .json to works great. So is there something else I need to do under the above link to get a json return?

Thanks for your help

The link is a bit different for listing posts:

Thanks so much for the help Schiller, appreciate it. Saved me a lot of digging around and trying to understand Discourse. I’m still going to install Discourse and learn about it. I’m new to Ruby so I figured Discourse was a great way to learn.

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I love Ruby, Gitlab is another great tool written in Rails that might be interesting to explore.

I also have some open-source projects and wow api samples written in Ruby here:

Thanks, I’ll check both out. I’m going to use this as a chance to start learning Rails and see what it might hold for the future of my small business that does custom websites for customers.

EDIT: Another question, is there a reason that I only get the latest 20 posts made instead of more?

I think you can only get 20 per request, however you can append ‘?before_post_id=<oldest_post id>’ to the url to fetch the previous 20 posts.

Thanks. I’ll try a few things to see if I can use that part to my advantage to grab pages worth.

Edit: Is there anyway to get the ISO8601 datetime format converted to unixtime when grabbing the json data?