patch update

I try to connect to It says I need a software update and it downloads the update. After quitting the game and running the update nothing happens. When I try to connect to again the same thing happens.

This is my bnupdate.log file

Blizzard BNUpdate v2.24 compiled on Dec 19 2000
Log created at 10:25 pm on 01/29/2024

Registry error loading key 'Patch\Patches'
The system cannot find the file specified.

WARNING: couldn't delete registry key
The system cannot find the file specified.

WARNING: couldn't delete registry key
The system cannot find the file specified.

RESULT: Patch failed
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I’m getting the same error. Won’t make it past update.

Seems to be stuck in a loop

Did you run the battlenet launcher as admin?

Yes I did. Still stuck in the loop.

Did you get yours to work?

did you get yours to run and so how

Same problem, Did you get yours to work?

I also have this issue and have been unable to resolve.

I noticed the value of the ‘Patches’ Registry Key under SOFTWARE > > D1 > Patch in the Registry Editor does not have a file path prefix defined, but all the other keys do. I tried editing the key to add the full path but it did not resolve.

I can see the patch file DRTL_IX86_108_109.mpq exists in my Diablo directory.

Has anybody made any headway on this issue yet?

Hey all,

Bliz has acknowledged the update loop issue and is working on it.

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For anybody just reaching this post, it appears that the install of D1 does not include the newer ‘Global’ gateway. Instead, it installs with the older 4 regions. To fix the issue, open your Registry Editor and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\\D1\Configuration. Right click on the item labeled ‘ gateways’ and click modify. Below the very last item, paste the following three lines:

Open the game and select Multiplayer. Before you try to join, click ‘Change Gateway’ and select the new ‘Global’ gateway. Then, you should successfully be able to login to

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Yes, I can confirm that making that registry change, I’m now on Thanks to everyone. Seems to be working.