Basic retail WoW items/AH questions

I’m working on some code to “do some AH stuff.” For now I don’t have a particular goal in mind, maybe start with price and availability tracking, also good practice for SQLite and PostgreSQL etc.

I have some very basic questions. Maybe if I get some answers there will be less basic follow-ups.

It’s not difficult to get a basic catalog of items with the search API. In order to get a catalog with all the details, do I need to hit the item API 152,428 times? That’s fine I guess, it’ll just take a while, hope throttling isn’t an issue.

Is there any documentation as to what the item and AH data actually is? That is, description of the potential keys and their values? I understand that Blizzard is unlikely to publish or maintain this, but is there something current and maintained by someone out there?

ETA: For example, Our vision is to help you achieve yours - #7 by Schiller-1822


It is. You can only do 36k requests/hour at 10req/s rate (with some room for short bursts).

No, not for item modifiers, you have to find an alternate source.

Have the Wowhead developers or similar entities published any kind of reference as to the interpretation of data returned by the API? (Are they NDA-ed with Blizzard?) Or do they exclusively use data mining?

I’d have to parallelize to get to just 10/s but … I’ll surely do that soon.

Probably just data mining. There are some resources around, I would advise joining the discord server for more information. I don’ t really use that portion of the API so I can’ t help much here.

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