Am I temp banned (Error 34200 - Diablo 3)

Good evening team,

I was joining in and out of greater rift games because i kept getting 3 man games that had already started rifts. It seems that leaving 3 or 4 games in a row bans me? Any clarity here on what is going on and when it will go away? :frowning: I only have 1 day out of the weeek that i can play and this is destroying it.

It is saying Diablo 3 game servers are not available. Please try again later. Code 34200

Your not banned, but you should prob lay off the botting if your first assumption was you got banned lol, I’m not able to play also same Error seems to be an issue with D3 servers.

Hey folks,

There was an authentication issue early this morning but it should be good now. Are you still getting this error?

error number 34200 - diablo 3 game servers are not available - yesterday was working fine, today no more, and i had this error last week too - one day was fine, next day failed with the same error - yesterday was ok, today not ok. WHAT is wrong? thank you :slight_smile:

I had to wait for the patch update. Just keep trying. The servers will stall and throw errors, but just wait a bit and try again.

Check the regular forums for Diablo 3 below for further information…

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