Add phone number invalid

add phone number will not work
keeps saying phone number invalid after trying all suggested tips


Howdy KrazyArya,

This can happen for a few reasons. Make sure that the phone number is registered to the same country on your Blizzard account. If so, make sure that you aren’t using any spaces or hyphens, it should be numbers only. Also keep in mind that VOIP numbers and pre-paid phones are not supported.


my phone number still shows up invalid and im doing everything right


Im having the same problem


have the same problem

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Same problem. Everything is correct. Had phone number for 2 1/2 yrs and have tried on different occasions to add it, always invalid. Was hoping eventually Blizz would correct the issue or someone would post a legit fix or different explanation. Nope. :roll_eyes:


Same issue. Blizzard is a horrible company.


Hey there,

The most common cause for the invalid phone number error is the phone being prepaid. Prepaid numbers are not supported. If your phone number is not prepaid please ensure it is entered correctly, and is registered to the same country/region as your Blizzard account.

If you’re sure the phone number is not prepaid and you have tried all of the above, please submit a ticket.

I have a similar problem but I got an error message saying the phone number connected to my account is already being used. I had another account that had my phone number and I unlinked it and the error message still came up. Can I please help?

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Same problem here, I am not receiving the sms in my cell phone, I am in the same country, its not a pay phone, I have every thing right but still not receiving the sms and now its telling me " * Request limit reached" , frustrating!

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Guess they don’t want us to play there games


same problem and im with you. I have done absolutely everything. Sent in a ticket and all they did was send me their crap forum link. Blizzard is an absolute trash can. I can see a lot of people agree off the comments on every forum. If they dont fix it they’ll be losing evryone lol


I am having the same issue and they keep telling me to do the same thing. I think they just copy and pasta what they need to say

Why all the hate for people who want to save money on a phone?


Italso also works on Cards. ich give in then cooorecht code, an it =desert work=.

Apparently, if you happen to have a Cricket number, Blizzard classifies them as prepaid phone numbers, even when they are not.


This is such a joke…
They keep saying make sure your phone is not prepaid, yet we repetitively mention that it’s not.
Once you submit a ticket, they tell you the exact same thing and say unfortunately they can’t add a number manually and for us to reach out to your phone provider.

Lol… what do you want us to do - call and tell them that our phone number doesn’t work on a video game???

Blizzard is useless and currently I don’t have a provided solution that works to allow me to play this game…


Cricket says on their website (at the top of plan options) that they are a prepaid wireless provider.

Which carrier are you using?

I’m finding that most people aren’t aware their service is considered prepaid.

So is their literally no way to confirm you are a unique player without a phone number? I have Cricket as a carrier so if there isn’t any other way then I can’t even try out Warzone or the like without changing my entire carrier :confused:

That does seem to be the case, as Cricket doesn’t offer postpaid plans. I don’t work for Blizzard, just trying to help figure out the issue.

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