As stated, the achievement points that show both in the WoW API and on the official WoW armory don’t match what I see in-game. The API is about 45 points lower. This has been a recurring problem that sometimes seems to get fixed, but then keeps coming back.
I can use the following script in-game to see where the point differences are:
/run for id=1,90000 do ,name,points,completed,,,,,flags,,_,guild=GetAchievementInfo(id) if completed and not guild and points>0 and bit.band(flags, 0x100000)~=0 then print(id, name) end end
It looks like the following achievements are causing the problem:
- 891 Giddy Up!
- 40899 Allied Races: Earthen (copy)
- 41085 Worm Theory (copy)
- 41213 Family Battler of Khaz Algar (copy)
- 41683 Khaz Algar Safari (copy)
It would be nice if the API calculated achievement points the same way as it is calculated in-game. Thank you!