Account disappeared

Hello, It’s been a while before my last connection and when I wanted to connect myself, I couldn’t find any account to my email. I saw in my emails the request to change the email of my account. I created this new account to post my problem.

I don’t know what I could do to get my account back since I wasn’t using any real information for this account. So I can’t use the “government-issued ID”.

My tag name was Zero#2828. I still have the email.

This is a problem. The terms require you to use your real information when making an account. If there is ever an issue with account access, like someone phished you, or had malware on your PC, they can steal your login.

If that happens Blizzard will only give the account access back to the registered account holder based on ID.

Note: MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff. MVPs do not represent or speak for Blizzard.

Thanks you for the fast reply.

Yeah, even if I know that, the account was created years ago when I was still young ^^

I saw on another case like mine that someone maybe have recovered his account :

I didn’t understood what to do after clicking on the link and I don’t know if they can do something like his case.

I may give more “proof” that his account was mine like what game I had, what character I played with what kind of build in Diablo 3 …

Hoping to recover my account.

Thanks for the help.