503 Service Unavailable across most endpoints

Seeing 503 service unavailable for most endpoints under KR,EU, and US regions. Ex.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" \
Service Unavailable

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" \
Service Unavailable

This is likely related to StarCraft2: US and KR profile API endpoints return 503 - #21 by Talv-2620, but I wanted to create a new ticket to hopefully get a response from Blizzard. Is anyone on the development team looking at these errors? I’ve noticed them sporadically for over a month now.

Worth noting that at the time of writing I can get a valid response from some routes. Ex.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" \

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" \

Thanks! Please let me know if you need more information for debugging.