404 Errors on Blizzard official doc page for WOW Classic API

Getting 404 errors while using Blizzard’s “Try It” button at battle.net’s Documentation > World of Warcraft Classic > /game-data-apis URL. (I’d paste the URL properly, but don’t have perms as a new user). The API stopped returning any auction data at all on December 10th, 2024 at 17:06 Pacific Time.

Is there major maintenance underway? Either way, when can we expect auction data to become available again? Here, it’s not my code nor how I’m accessing it. Blizzard’s very own documentation page is returning the error. Business Impact: NO ONE can access auction data via the API.

“code”: 404,
“type”: “BLZWEBAPI00000404”,
“detail”: “Not Found”

Still seeing the same 404. I don’t think it’s a maintenance thing at this point, but I would love for this to work for a pet project over the holidays.

Can someone/anyone confirm my understanding, please? If the “Try It” page doesn’t work, API calls from anyone/everywhere won’t work either, right? Also, is there a page where Blizzard posts a maintenance schedule and/or patch notes for the API? Just shutting off the API without saying a word seems impossible…given Blizzard’s size.

Why too - does RETAIL containue to work, when CLASSIC’s just gone 404?

Wrong. Recently the try it tool stopped working after a change on how the access token was handled by the API. In this scenario it is still possible for the API to work outside the API docs page.


Different games, different teams, different APIs and possibly different infrastructure involved. It is quite possible the API is not the problem, but a component providing data for the API that is specific to classic.

We’re not talking about the API generally working. Sure it’s working, i.e. returning responses. Those responses, when they contain no auction data (the auction key doesn’t exist in the response - hence 404) mean that no one/from nowhere can access the response data that provides value to the API user: classic auction house data. This data was provided up until December 10th - several months after the access token change made it mandatory to change how API users retrieved classic data.

Thanks for the responses. They’re really appreciated. Simple thing like the Try It tool can’t/won’t be fixed by Blizzard when it should be a simple fix? It tells us a lot. No support/annoucements/patch note publications, that tells us a lot too. Tells me not to spend another thin dime. Tells me too, not to spend another breath influencing good press.

Just to be clear, you asked about a page with maintenance/schedule. This we don’t have. We do however receive announcements about API changes over the forums, but usually after new features are released.

I abandoned some projects because of the lack of certain features and API reliability too.

Happy Holidays, Schiller. And thanks again.

(This abandoning of developer-customers? It’s just nuts to me. Way beyond the pale.)

1/3/2025 Update. @activision @blizzard_ent @ATVI_AB @BlizzardCS

Blizzard’s public-facing doc page is still (almost a full month later) illustrating to the world that the WOW Classic datastore for auctions is unavailable. Little help?