365 Day cooldown to connect my PSN account?

Yup, I’m going through the same thing too. I created my sub account 4 years ago as a way to start comp out fresh. I made some friends and built a 6 stack. Mind you, I was primarily on this account for about a year until I migrated everyone back to my main account.

For 3 years, I was bouncing back and forth between Battle.net accounts without any issue— no cooldowns or whatever. About 3 weeks ago, I logged into my sub account to see if I had any old friends that were on (some “retired”) and I was looking to see if they were coming back for OW2. BAM Battle.net blocked me from connecting back to my primary.

I got a 6 month ban. No warning whatsoever. If you’re gonna enforce these bans, you need to make sure there are clear disclaimers. I spent money on the battle pass for OW2 that’s pretty much worthless now. Customer service is a joke as well. How is it that for 4 years, I utilized 2 Battle.net accounts and suspiciously before the launch of OW2 you suddenly start banning people?

At least now I know I’m not the only one here


Same here going through the same cooldown because somehow it linked a different account on accident please fix this this just makes it unplayable for some people! Also my watchpoint pack didn’t even give me my rewards in the new game kinda 40$ down the drain![quote=“AladdinSane7-1758, post:17, topic:33844, full:true”]
Yup, I’m going through the same thing too. I created my sub account 4 years ago as a way to start comp out fresh. I made some friends and built a 6 stack. Mind you, I was primarily on this account for about a year until I migrated everyone back to my main account.

For 3 years, I was bouncing back and forth between Battle.net accounts without any issue— no cooldowns or whatever. About 3 weeks ago, I logged into my sub account to see if I had any old friends that were on (some “retired”) and I was looking to see if they were coming back for OW2. BAM Battle.net blocked me from connecting back to my primary.

I got a 6 month ban. No warning whatsoever. If you’re gonna enforce these bans, you need to make sure there are clear disclaimers. I spent money on the battle pass for OW2 that’s pretty much worthless now. Customer service is a joke as well. How is it that for 4 years, I utilized 2 Battle.net accounts and suspiciously before the launch of OW2 you suddenly start banning people?

At least now I know I’m not the only one here

strong text

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Please just take cooldown down I want to merge my account


I am in the same boat. Accidentally connected a defunct PSN account for all of 3 seconds before I realized I put in the wrong credentials. Now I can’t merge my dozens of skins, emotes, etc. into OW2 for a YEAR?! This is not going to be a very rare problem, Blizzard. Please help us out!


I am having the same issue with my Xbox Live account. I put the wrong one in and now it is a year long wait to connect a new account. Also, there is literally no way to actually communicate with their support system. Can’t place a ticket, can’t call, and can’t reach out any other way. How does this even happen? I just want to use my accounts!


same here its so annoying why wait a whole year surely it cant be that long needed? pls Bliz make it wayyy shorter


I was going to unlink my battlenet account from my PlayStation so my gf could link hers on there and I could play with her on my PC but I saw a message about a 365 day lockout and was confused by that… Seriously if I disconnect a console I can’t reconnect for a year?? Is this trying to crack down on game sharing or something? 365 days is stupid. I’m still not totally sure what would happen if I tried, if I’d even be able to link her battlenet to my PlayStation but now I don’t even want to risk it after reading this thread. Hope they change this stupid idea.


You can unlink yours and link hers just fine. You just wouldn’t be able to reverse it for a year. Definitely think long and hard about it before doing it

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Exactly the same issue 600+ hours on overwatch 1 and 200+ dollars spent, very upset when there should possibly be a 24hr cooldown


Same as me man, it’s so boring playing on a new account

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Same issue here. I opened a customer service ticket almost 3 days ago, and still didn’t get a response. They will probably just tell me its hardcoded too.

This will seriously bug me if I cant link and merge with the correct console account.

A whole year is ridiculous. If it were a month, id be annoyed but I would take it. A YEAR? What company wants to lose customers for a whole year lol.


I’ve been trying a few things but nothings seems to work, so i’m hoping they’ll just change or remove the cooldown time.


We need to make this problem more official. I think Bliz just ignore it right now.
P.s have the same problem :frowning:


this is actually so annoying like a whole year for wanting to change connections like cmon


same here for xbox account.
Could not play game and have no ideas what to do


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I’m having the same Issue but with my Xbox account I made a ticket and it’s been 2 days and haven’t heard anything


Can I unlink one battle net account from PSN and then connect a different battle net account to that same PSN in the same day.

I don’t need to use my old BN account but I want to know if I can use a new on my PSN if I unlink my old one. Thank you

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you can unlink it but have to wait 365 days to re link a different account its so stupid

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Even if I use a different battle net account to link to the same PSN account ?