Boogienight is retarded

haha. is this da same guild or group of people dat were also asking for da gold cap to be raised?

Gold cap too low .

da whale buyers must be running out, time to transition to the common man to sell gold to.

da gold buying epidemic is all together too real. integrity of da game is gone now.

guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.
https:// imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.
https:// imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

haha. here is a photo of dat same guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.
https:// imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

how do normal players end up selling over 45,000,000 gold?! dis figure is 8 months out of date, imagine how much has been sold since wotlk launch.

no bans ever to date n farmer to table experience. a premium for safe gold?!

hiring botters n farmers to farm specifically for them?! buy wholesale then resale after da gold has been cleaned?!

crazy how dis one gdkp server. dis is one guild. does all dis with no action for all of tbc n wotlk.

45,000,000 gold sold to players, 8 months ago during tbc prices for what 8 dollars per thousand?

dat is 360,000 dollars in real money. think about dat. let it sink in.

dis is a huge problem in da game. no one can disput dis.

these r normal players doing dis. imagine a real operation when people r using it to make a living. think about all da death knight bots u see everywhere.

nerfing ulduar or any content in wotlk classic allows these operations to thrive n grow. do not nerf any content. keep wotlk classic true to itself.

greed is not good.