How to defeat a shaman? A death knight? A rogue?
I eat shamans and death knights in the legendary rank for breakfast. They can be easily outplayed and their game is broken. You need to choose:
“Dark side of the force”.
“Dark path of the force”.
The warlock will help you!
The Warlock is very strong and, if you do everything right and play your playing cards correctly,
then the shaman will die. Burn six cards to the death knight and he will press consid
In my opinion, the current meta and playing cards of this season are in a certain balance. I do not see any problems. A shaman, a warlock, a death knight, and a rogue can all win. No one has canceled the luck factor. The most important thing is to choose the right strategy for your victory. The shaman must be taken down immediately. Do not let the shaman occupy the table. Kill the shaman with all your guns. Until a burnt piece of meat or everything that is left of the shaman falls on the table
Put a few cards in your deck that break the rogue’s weapon and you will not have problems
The Death Knight plays long games. Strategy is important. You must save your resources. When the Death Knight plays his last cards. Give him a powerful kick to the head.
Or deliver a simultaneous kick with both of your feet to the Death Knight’s head, so that he will never get up again.
Never get upset. The Hearthstone is just a game.
- Against the robber, you did not receive a playing card that breaks weapons. Do not be upset, the robber was lucky, and you were not. It happens!
- Death Knight. The strategy is simple. Wear him out. Save your resources. The death knight seizes the table and we have no choice but to fight off his attacks. Take more resources from the death knight than you spend yourself. Play your playing cards as effectively as possible. You can lose. No one has canceled this, but if luck smiles on you and you do everything right, you will win the death knight!
- What about the shaman? The strategy is simple. All the playing cards on the table. Hit the shaman with your hands. With both feet. Dig into the shaman’s body with your teeth. Burn 6 playing cards from him. Spit on the monitor screen. It is important not to let the shaman take the table. Shaman should not put his playing cards on the table. All the time pressure. All the time you need to hit the shaman in the face, every turn hit the shaman in the face. Destroy the shaman early in the game.
I went to the legendary rank for two years. I went to the legendary rank for two years. And I went for two whole years to the legendary rank. And I went again for two years to the legendary rank. And my path lasted two years to the legendary rank. And I had to walk a long time to get to the legendary rank. I had to take a few more steps in the direction of the legendary rank. Go right. Then straight. Turn left. A long time to go somewhere again. On the way, I went into a bar to drink a big mug of beer and talk with friends. Meet with my beloved woman. I still needed to stop by work and take care of some things. You are always busy, but I still had to go a little further to get to the legendary rank. It was a fun adventure. For two years of my path, what I got here in the Hearthstone. Always a good mood. Lots of laughter, fun, to make the mood even better. I didn’t care. Will I come or not come to the legendary rank. The Hearthstone does not assume that you should go or stand here. All this is not so important. The process itself is important. At some point, I completely forgot where I needed to go… It was interesting to play matches. To understand the warlock’s cards. To throw playing cards on the table. To think. In a good mood after work to go home!!!