blizzard I opened 116 packs of the new expansion and only came 4 legendary very below average, fix this in my account, I hope that in the next expansion this changes.
Hello, you are in the portuguese forums. If you would like to post in english, please use this forums:
However, your account is perfectly normal, the minimum you should receive for 116 packs is 3 legendaries. Anything past 3 legendaries is not guaranteed.
That is 2 of the pity timer (2 guaranteed legendaries for each time you open 40 packs) and 1 guaranteed legendary for the ten first packs you opened from this expansion.
You got 4, profit of 1 legendary. That’s correct… no problem with your account at all.
Sei como é a sensação, em cavaleiros do trono de gelo abri 100 packs pra 3 lendarias sendo duas lendarias as piores da expansao
Mas é questao de sorte, dessa vez em 110 packs peguei 9 lendarias sendo 2 douradas
Acontece. É triste mas acontece, jetio é torcer para melhorarem em relação a obtenção de lendarias
Quais as chances de alguem com nick Cleiton n ser br e falar portugues fluentemente?
Caraca, eu tbm.
Exatamente o que pensei kkkkkkkkk