Missed this event. I was not aware. Now everything has changed and I will keep everyone informed.
Get in the face Elon Masak
In November 2022, Russia successfully completed 4 space launches of the SOYUZ-2.1V carrier rocket.
All 4 launches were successful in the normal mode without incident, which is no doubt pleasing that everything was completed successfully. Delivered cargo of new military satellites entered service in near or possibly deep space. Not bad, I’ll tell you, which means that the Russian military has finally begun to stir and bring the Victory of Russia closer.
Russia launched the SOYUZ-2.1V launch vehicle.
Russia made several launches of SOYUZ-2.1V launch vehicles in November 2022, which is good and it’s great that all the launches were successful. Delivered cargo to the orbit of the planet earth - MILITARY SATELLITES.