Urgent Stone Hearth-2

Urgent Stone Hearth-2 The most relevant idea that can be brought to life!
Margo, regarding the Hearthstone, you have some very limited understanding of the real state of affairs with our favorite card game. We live in a world that is constantly being updated. The Universe is constantly being updated. Although there is no time and space in the Universe and for human understanding it is a very complex quantum structure consisting of unknown technologies. Only the visible part of the Universe is 50 billion light years, what is even further and what is happening there we have no idea, since it is technologically impossible.
The Universe has this amazing property of constant renewal and a system of chaos that destroys everything to create something new. This endless process will last forever. Eternally and will never stop.
The Hearthstone has not been updated for a very long time. All this froze in place many years ago and, besides the fact that Blizzard keeps slipping us more and more random cards that are overflowing with magical properties and effects, nothing else interesting happens!
What is the problem with creating a more interesting, advanced and progressive product?, and not this crap that they are trying to palm off on us? Let’s just look at this process objectively without offense :nerd_face:
Okay!!! Perhaps the old Hearthstone can no longer be remade and saved. Yes, and most likely it is better not to touch this entire long-rotten system that is turning into compost…

Blizzard could have made a completely new Hearthstone - 2! Hearthstone second version, taking into account all the mistakes made. New opportunities. New technologies. New views. Yes, here it is obviously necessary to make a new version or continuation of Hearthstone-2, respectively, to give collectors and fans the opportunity to mess around with the old version of Hearthstone - 1 !!! Let them continue collecting cards so that no one gets upset… :nerd_face: