“Because DPS goes Brrrr”

When did this become a thing to say. I’ve been playing since wotlk, and I’ve never seen a phrase repeated so much. Is it the generation of players that everything is trendy to say things or is it a wow thing or what?

I’m honestly annoyed by it lol, but only bc ppl say it about the dumbest things.
For example i was watching a vid on you tube and all these comments of “I’m rolling arms war bc “Arms war goes Brrr”

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It’s gen z. Or trendy main stream millennials. I’m right in between both gens but I don’t partake in either gens habits of communication.

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Eh, it’s a meme.

We started at the same time, and there were similar memes back then. For example, the feral ‘John Madden’ meme, the ‘raid tactics for taking down a fully Wintergrasp buffed Paladin’ meme, the ‘hunters are bad players, using a single word that I probably can’t use on the now ultra PC forums’ meme etc.

It’s the same thing, just different memes.

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Like any meme it’s fun when used correctly: “Convoke goes brrr!”
It’s annoying (and makes you look stupid) when used incorrectly: “I’m rolling arms war bc Arms war goes Brrr”

Convoke does go brrr, slowly swinging a sword does not.

Barrens chat, classic World of Warcraft, Chuck Norris jokes.

This is not a new phenomenon.


At least everyone seems to have moved on from “dab”, wtf that was.


Okay, I think I love you.

Well done.

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Your first problem was watching a gaming video on YouTube.

Your second problem was reading the comments.

Yeah when will those young whippersnappers get off my lawn?!

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A good place to check for unknown slang/memes is UrbanDictionary followed by KnowYourMeme

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My warrior yells Demacia at ppl while pretending to be a Beyblade

haha beyblade go brr

Demonic tyrant goes brrr!

Its just a joke, since the original phrase was something about machine guns going “brr”.

It just means a certain weapon/skill/thing does a lot of damage and requires either low skill or low player input, as a “just point it in the enemie’s general direction” and numbers go up.

Just like demonic tyrant.

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I never got this one. It seemed brrr was the counter to kek after open world PVP, at least it was when I played classic. But I don’t know anything about where it came from. The kek thing I actually see on other forums non-game related which is pretty funny.

Just a meme thing. I ignore most of these things.
Don’t think too much into it, it tends to hurt the persons IQ it’s that stupid lol

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You like 100 years old or something , why do old people always bring up sht like this. This has nothing to do with anyone’s generation lol.


Those people are not even old. Didn’t you hear? Being out of trends is trendy now.

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It has everything to do with generation. Different generation have different trends, especially in slang or social media. And yeah I’m 100 years old. You caught me.

Condemn goes brrrr.
