“Because DPS goes Brrrr”

It absolutely does.

It’s like clueless old fart is the trend now. Like all those girls dying their hair grey.

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Only 50+, and it is generational if only because internet memes didn’t start until I was well into adulthood. Memes when I was young traveled through slower media.

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It gives the little chitlins a sense of purpose to talk like idiots. Google a video of A10 Warthog. Brrrr would be the birth place. Just like the dab came from cam newton when he got a touchdown.
None of the little guys who are still waiting for a legit sack drop know the meaning of what they are saying…
Was my post sweaty and spicy?

I only know that as a meme, never seen the ads it is based on because it seems NA only.

Person: Yolo!

Me: What the [REDACTED] is Yolo?


Confuse them with archaic IRC era abbreviations. :wink:

Frost go brrrr


I just wanna summon zombies and demons and spread immense amount of suffering possible.

Brrrrr its cold in here there must be some clovers of the 4 leafed variety in the atmosphere

My 11 year-old nephew has been saying this for a couple of years.

member that more annoying one big d dps ya annoying.

The people who don’t know how to properly lay out a meme also seem to be the ones that spam it the most. The anal jokes in trade were always 75% people who just put the word before (or often worse, after) a random ability and I’d be like :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I don’t think you get the idea, but good try buddy.

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You know what really goes BRRRRRRRRRRT?

This guy:


I use a different twist on Convoke-- When I run M+ with my druid friends I say ‘Convoke the Meters’ x)

I think that came from one of the cover songs from Lil Wanye’s Dedication4’s album, i think “I don’t like”? :man_shrugging: