Zygor has been doing it for YEARS

Just dont use an XP guide? After all, Classic and especially hardcore is 70 and 90% respectively about the leveling journey not end game

Itā€™s not the point. Addon developers, in this case RXP, are not allowed to charge for the addons themselves NOR ANYTHING ELSE IN ADDITION TO THE ADDON (which is what these ā€œGuidesā€ are).

And, gold buying is not allowed. An individual was caught on camera admitting and promoting gold buying, as well.

TWO different rule violations going on, and Blizz needs to address it with some bans or lightening up the rules.

Either way, works for me.

Everyone isnā€™t. The vast majority of people donā€™t care. One streamer managed to get a bunch of jealous people together and is trying to make a youtube career out of thisā€¦ but thereā€™s no fire. Thereā€™s barely even smoke.

Heā€™s an idiot, but heā€™s betting that his viewers are even dumber than he is and tbhā€¦ thatā€™s probably a good bet.

You literally just pulled that 100% out of your :peach:. That isnā€™t even remotely in the Addon TOS.

Nice try.

The addon doesnā€™t cost money.

Thanks for playing

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Sure, it may not be the point but what else do you expect us as players to do about it?

Seems oddly specific.

Report it to Blizzard and spread the word, so Blizz can either uphold their end of the deal or lighten up on their addon policy.

Either way, works for me.