Zygor has been doing it for YEARS

Zygor has been charging for in game guides since original wotlk. Why is everyone upset about restedxp all of a sudden?


Because of the internal corruption that was pushing it as a bandaid fix for them not adding it to wotlk. Plus the entire hc community was built just to sell the addon


What corruption?

I have been playing hc since before SOM and i never used restedxp. I have used guideline since classic launch.

Lets say you are right though. Whats the problem?


I’m sure I mentioned that somewhere and got ignored by everyone.

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Exactly. Just the latest thing to clutch some pearls over.

Also, gotta love ‘the source.’ Suddenly Alexsensual is Woodward and Bernstein?



Kargoz paid shills commenting not sus at all


Cringelord wolverine avatar follower not sus at all.


I think it’s a thing now, because people have realized how dumb the concept of paid addons is. It just creates imbalance and further reinforces the idea that with real world currencies you get better gear and better guides.

So far Blizzard has allowed such addons, as they didn’t create any issues.
Now the players seem to have an issue with it.


To be fair, I only heard about it, just now, but I would still feel the same as I do, if I found out sooner.

The gold buyer needs to be banned. Blizz needs to relax on their addon rules. I actually didn’t even know that addon developers can’t even solicit donations which bothers me more than addon developers paywalling their addons, but I digress.

I’m (also) disappointed in the community for taking issue with the charging of addons rather than the gold buyer. I think the gold buyer is hurting the game more than a paywall addon.

How does a leveling guide equate to better gear?

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Someone on the EU forum mentioned about why people are now against the restedxp team.

Apparently it isn’t about paying for an addon (or it’s data).

Both are for-pay features/services and a breach of the ToS

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When did I say that guides do that?
I said real world currencies can do that.

You can buy good gear by buying wow token, instead of grinding.
Same with leveling, why level longer when you can just pay for a good leveling guide?

Primarily bc the hc creators are influencing how blizzard will implement hc servers and are trying to get blizzard to make changes to push restedxp sales


I don’t think anybody really cares. Some people just enjoy drama.


If people want to pay for a guide to a 20 year old game, let them.

People have been selling guides since before Joana back in Vanilla.

Now we’re supposed to be mad and upset someone is selling a guide that’s ported into an add on because technically that’s not allowed?

Who cares? :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:


While i understand speed levelers using a guide to keep them on an optimized leveling route, the vast majority aren’t speed leveling and are just using a leveling guide which, lmao, bad players need all the help they can get I guess. Like I don’t hate the concept, it’s the same stance I have about OF, make bank from idiots.

Anyone unironically using rested is a certified low tier, low impact player who deserves to be exploited.

Yes? Makes Blizz look bad if they’re not following their own rules.

Though, I’m more upset about the gold buying admission and promotion than the addon debate. Yet, I seem to be the only one who cares about it. So, I’m not really sure the community has a leg to stand on, in regards to “people must follow the rules”.

I care, since I get in trouble for mundane things like “not being nice”, yet addon developers get to charge players for addons or even buy gold.

I may be “mean” but at least, I don’t cheat by buying gold.

conspiracy theory: we don’t have RDF because someone is getting kick back$ for blocking it and pushing RXP.


let me sum up the “drama” for those who dont know. Shady businessman did shady businessman things and people are shocked. I mean seriously this is a nothing burger. I dont even use the stupid addon. Ooh hes charging money for a guide that doesnt affect me at all. Who cares?? Ooh the addon says the skip an area and jump a wall and its exploiting… no its not lol. Anyone who played wow back in the days remembers the real exploits like getting under stormwind or the catacombs. Alex is just an attention hog.