Zul'jin Alliance Reconnections

Chugg “Worst GM Ever” from Coterie Sodalis. Sup Puhl and Xorash! Some of the old CS crew is going alliance on Pagle too! I think I’m going gnome warlock because of you in Arathi Basin, Xorash. Tykin#1904

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Nice! Yeah, man I can’t wait for AB to come out and run it again with ya. Playing in that AB pre-made was probably the funnest thing I ever did in WoW the first time around. I’ve tried out other classes on private servers, I was determined to do something different, but I think I just can’t pass up being a lock again. I even have the same face ect I did on zul’jin LOL.


I have reserved the following names for the old school zj peeps who are willing to return to classic in Pagle.


PST in game


Ha, none for you. Didn’t farm an extra shard :wink:

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the old gnome mage eh?

Yeah I’m back on Pagle. Come it will be fun

i think we beat classic to death the first time around, i really doubt i’ll return to it

No, never kept in touch with them

Dude, Sasuke was a beast. I was a rogue as well, and he always lit me up like a christmas tree!

My best memories too :slight_smile:

Yep, Nettiepooh was her name, gnome warlock. If I remember correctly, she was the last Grand Marshal.


DroganX of The Patriots on Zul’jin Alliance. One of the few raiding Tankadins back in the day. Many know me and my brothers–EzekielX, TolenX, and MazerX–by our exploits during the early Honor Grind. We played on a team called The Fatchicks. I raided in Undaunted. We’re holing up over on Westfall now–hit us up sometime, myself, Tol, and Zeek will all be around!

Hey Darf - This is Bailian! I remember playing with you and Ddragon in Synergy way back haha. Good to see y’all are still around.

I had a random character selected. Haha just logged in again to play classic and still figuring things out again

Haha Sawedoff! This forum is bringing back a lot of good memories. The old pvp days

Hey man I remember you. I was also in Synergy and pvp grind all night haha. I will be on Pagel like most of the others on the forum.

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Warwolf! I don’t remember many people from back in the day, but Keepers of Faith was always good to me. I was a NE rogue named Thine.

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Noqufiel Dwarf Priest
Final Union

Hopefully there are a few people playing classic
Currently - Atiesh and Whitemane depending on the ques

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Yeah ill be checking classic out on Pagle so feel free to give a shout Sam. I rock 2 L’s in my name these days since someone already snagged Dalton, but i’ll be around.

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Thine. If you have facebook as page there. Some of old school KoF are there