Zul'jin Alliance Reconnections

I remember you too!

What server and faction is everyone planning to play for Classic?

I’m leaning Alliance but waiting for some friends to figure out what they want to do. Still trying to decide between pvp and normal server also but leaning towards a normal server.

If anyone is playing classic and wants to try to coordinate and play on the same server feel free to add me to bnet ( Tyrik#11645 ).

Your name is very familiar for some reason. Did you happen to play SWG by chance with the same character name Gerad?

Mkalice, Draenei Shaman, The European Treaty… I know it was in TBC but im coming back to play this and hope for the expansion to come out!

My names are now reserved on Pagel.

Ungrim dwarf pally, Order of Silver Serpent (OSS), few names I remember guild leader was @Rhyno
other members (spelling) @Squall @Gwenwhyver @Isardonyxi @Nastusia

Daryn here. I was also in White Lotus Society! I remember you, Diggar, Tilly, Moncada and Kay!

yo its montage, human mage, ran into you playin league of legends years ago IIRC, random AF.

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add me @ Vince#1895, or anyone else that remembers me.

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hey Illwitit if you want to add me on your battle tag my name is Phett#11779… same goes to anyone that remembers me from vanilla…

Won’t let me post under Blackout for some reason but if anyone is interested I will be rolling on Herod, horde side. Changing sides and changing to PvP sever and changing roles for the second go around. Also my battle tag is blackout#1182 if anyone is interested. Nice to see a few familiar names from the old days!

I was Severian, Human Mage. Original Guild was The Union (Not Final Union). And then it was… Chaos Theory i think? Not big guilds but i remember some cool people just not all the names.

Looking for an old friend named Allicore was a NE druid … i used to play a dwarf pally named gimliee.

I honestly never thought that I would come across anyone that I used to play with 12-15 years ago! I played a Human Pally named Nesslie in Midnight Mercenaries :slight_smile:

Fallina here. I was in a guild called Twilight’s Fury way back in the day. I would love to see some old faces, so to speak!

I banned Feign Death in early MC content
I banned thunderfury in the suppression room
I give hand of rag to druids
I built 2 (almost 3) thunderfuries
I was a GM
Naxx content before TBC
I had an obnoxiously trollish Guild Name

the entertainment delivered…

Elite Skill does not condone this sort of behavior

See ya on Pagle

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I was Gerran Rieklo in SWG on the Sunrunner server. I left that game before Jump to Light Speed expansion was released in order to play WoW when it first launched.

I created two alliance and one horde character(s) on Mankrik east coast server. Not sure how often I’ll get to play, but I will most likely peek on from time to time. Definitely don’t have the same free time that I used to in my early to mid twenties. It’s still nice to reconnect with old friends when I can though.

I do remember you Herod. Saw you a lot in the original battlegrounds. Definitely one of the better rogues I had the pleasure to fight along side. If I play classic I’m also considering going Horde this time and switching things up.

Hey there Daryn! Hope all is well with you these days. If you ever come across Diggar let him know his ole buddy Ger asked for him. His son actually formed White Lotus Society, but he was often too busy to play due to I believe being in the military at the time if I remember correctly. Diggar and Tilly I know got together in real life maybe a year after WoW was first released.

For some reason Stoked sound familiar. Like Papadoc was in at one time.