Zuldazar music and "Mars, the Bringer of War"

Does anyone know who wrote the music for Zuldazar?

It’s awesome and I think is my favorite since Spires of Arak (WoD).*

One part has got to be a tribute to Gustav Holst because the first several bars are identical to his Mars, the Bringer of War from his masterpiece, The Planets. In fact, if you want to have a great experience, mute your WoW music sometime, and put on The Planets.** Holst had to have composed it for World of Warcraft, albeit 100 years early. :wink:

Zuldazar’s music is so great and Bwonsamdi is so hilarious, I sometimes almost wish I were horde — although I’m sure there’s many of you hordies out there who would happily hook me up with Bwonsamdi anytime I come for a visit. hehe

*Spires Of Arak Music 1 - Warlords Of Draenor
Spires Of Arak Music 2 - Warlords Of Draenor

**Gustav Holst- The Planets

  1. Mars, the Bringer of War (1914)
  2. Venus, the Bringer of Peace (1914)
  3. Mercury, the Winged Messenger (1916)
  4. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity (1914)
  5. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age (1915)
  6. Uranus, the Magician (1915)
  7. Neptune, the Mystic (1915)

What the hell is going on today? Lol

I’m glad to see someone appreciates this!

Always thought that Holst’s Planets and Vivaldi’s Four Seasons work really well while running thru a dungeon(s).

there are a lot of ‘tributes’ to classical pieces in WoW. if you fly over some alliance points in Outlands like Honour Hold, it is playing an exact copy of Chopin Nocturne op 27 no. 1, except played on horns instead of piano. (2:15)

Mars is my favorite out of them all!

On the Alliance side, I like to listen to Vaughn Williams’ “English Folk Song Suite” while doing a Warfront. He originally composed it for brass band, but the full orchestra comps really get the blood moving while wreaking destruction on the Horde.