Zskera Vault has been Ur for 3 weeks

For the last 3 weeks Zskera vaults seems to be stuck on Ur for me and a friend trying to get Librarian of the Reach achievement. We need vault Az, but i am wondering is it stuck, is there a bug, or is there a requirement to achieve to make them rotate? From what’s been said it rotates weekly, but that’s not the case for me.

I don’t even know how to tell which vault it is on any given week because there is no sub-name that pops up anywhere for me and I don’t even run any addons.

I also need Vault Az for one final treasure but hell if I know if I’m just wasting my time!

So i checked on 4/11/24 and again and its still vault Ur. Why is this not changing? 4/19/2024 the Zskera vault is still stuck on Ur what quest am i stuck on that it won’t change or is this a bug i check my alts and they change but no my main why is it stuck?