Zskera Vault Broken?

Credited with 28 doors unlocked, no other doors available to open in the Vault. Did not proc achievement Every Door, Everywhere, All at once.


i’m having the same issue as well

The current running theory in my guild is that if you have the room with the Earthen Ring Shaman that gives you the mini quest, it doesn’t count as an opening a door and therefor preventing you from getting the achievement. :slight_smile:

There may be other rooms like this, so I’d assume if you roll a room that doesn’t have a door to physically click on you’re just SOL.

Also have this problem and I also had the Earthen Ring Shaman. Should be an easy hotfix but I doubt they will.

i got the initial quest (aiding the accord; Zskera Vaults) then a key. can’t get into the gate. dude that opens it (Pathfinder Jeb isn’t visible.) nothing to click on. Tried it on 3 alts with same result. If there is something else that needs to be done. at least give us a hint.

other guildies reported the same problem. One guy actually found 5 keys before he was able to enter. What the hell is the trick? if it’s broken, fix it.

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You need to do the questline in that in the new area to open up access to the vault. It has nothing to do with the Aiding the Accord weekly.

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Ok, so lets get it together. The original quest suggest that you simply get a key, open the vault. Doesn’t say anything about rescuing pathfinder Jeb, killing a bunch of crap, finding supplies. Really poorly designed.

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figured that out finally. They shouldn’t even give you the aid the accord quest, until you’ve opened the vault quest line.

Thanks for the response, though.


Achievement activates at 29, (which is an odd number but its what they scripted it to be) so presumably should be no less than 29 doors to unlock every week, very odd.

And there isn’t a 29th door to unlock unless its the shamans door we were suppose to unlock. But also, I have one theory about this achievement. I went in the vault with 8 keys the first time, then 10 more later on and then finally another 10. I’ve unlocked every door, but I wonder if it was supposed to be all at once without leaving the vault to get more keys.

Same problem with achievement for me.

I got the achievement and opened all doors but the rune chest that does dmg was bugged couldn’t open it with any combination. Also couldn’t find speck of bronze dust, and i looked, alot.

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Which vault type did you have? I had Az and opened 28 doors with no achievement (Though apparently i opened 29 and the one with a quest giver didnt count)

Yep, same issue. 29 doors, only got credit for 28. The one with Earthcaller Yevaa in it did not count.


same issue as well!

Same issue here as well :frowning:

I’ve unlocked all the vault doors, open all the chests and even looked everywhere but still haven’t found the speck of bronze dust…

Is possible of 2 things

  1. the speck is in the bugged chest (is bugged for everyone)

  2. Its timegated RNG between weeks so you aren’t guaranteed to get it all in one week.

Yeah man, im having the same problem with that chest. If you figure it out, let me know!

Is now fixed according to Blizz hotfix blue post, just go into your vault and achieve should now proc.