Zovaal is working with the Old Gods?

The NPC Herald Volazj once said this about the Old Gods, “They do not die; they do not live. They are outside the cycle”.

Zovaal is the only other NPC outside of the cycle. It would have taken a lot of support for Zovaal to get to his current position; a lot of power. Do you guys think this means we will see a raid where we fight against all of the Old Gods and then Zovaal is the final boss?

Zovaal’s “Sargeras” moment being to revive the Old Gods would redeem this expansion.

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Nope. Just Blizzard retconning their lore to suit the new lore of Legion and Shadowlands.

No one dies, they just go to a new afterlife.

I don’t think there’s really any connection between them. Old Gods are creatures of the Void, Zovaal is of Death. In a past age the Void once invaded the SL so they are not friends.

When the Old Gods die we can assume their spirits return to the Void in some form, as all magical beings go back to their home realm. There’s no reason we would see them anywhere near this SL business. He had a list of other allies who helped him get where he is.

Would actually be kinda neat to have a full on old god x pac with the 4 of them revived

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Old gods got retconned. They are perma-dead now, all of them except the revived 5th one from the dagger we freed.

Really doubtful. It likely instigated for sure. Giving there’s the Light involved within Revendreth, it isn’t out of the question he somehow pulled the strings to lead the weakening of the entire Shadowlands somehow. Or that it was purely coincidental because remember that the Void eventually consumes all Forces, even Disorder. Void is the biggest threat, next to death but for whatever reason, it attacks the Shadowlands, a very artificial realm (Assuming it is though but so far it seems so at this point and time). Which is why I think the entire reason the Light and Void were brought into the situation, was ultimately to weaken the Shadowlands for Zovaal’s plan to fall into place. Again though, coincidental and the Void very much fears Zovaal winning but that seems to also be the case because of the whispers from the old gods and that they were trying to wipe the system out with him in it.

Its really hard to believe Zovaal is truly working with the Void, let alone the Old Gods but sure is a twist (Or lack of due to lacking story and lore but lets pretend to accept it for the moment). We already grasp the idea that Zovaal and Sargeras had been involved, both wanting Azeroth. There couldn’t have been any coincidence that Sargeras would have let the Dreadlords to last for as long as they did when compared to the their infiltration of The Light. If Void was truly an Ally of Zovaal, then they wouldn’t be fearing for their own defeat.

That’s my speculation. Got to really ask why, where does it make any sense. Toss aside the whole Retcon mentality aside for a moment and just play along before you can start that up. Its more fun to figure it out then.

The Old Gods will be removed.

In their place there will be “Senior Gods”, because old is derogatory.

Zovaal will be renamed because it is very close to a word that means “big eggs” in Portuguese, meaning something like “big nuts” for the English folks.

So might have a whole new dynamic to be added.

(that according to the crap people are posting in forums lately)

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No he’s hi enough up there Zovaal is on team Zovaal trying to achieve a death cosmic victory. His end goal of rewritting reality into everybody bound to death (ie him) is also far too orderly to match with the void’s end goal of returning everything to unknowable nothinginess/everythingness.

Remember Xal’atath? The Blade of the Black Empire has Domination Runes like any other Mourneblade.

I suspect that Xal’atath was used to carve Zovaal’s Sigil out and was just left on Azeroth/Zereth Mortis which was promptly dumped into the Great Dark Beyond to keep the Sepulcher(and the First Ones hidden inside) out of Zovaal’s reach.

The Old Gods got all their Whispers from the fragment of Zovaal inside the Mourneblade Xal’atath and are following the Prophecies of the Rings in hopes of getting a good destiny.

The Void Lords upon learning of the Rings of the Loom of Fate in Torghast immediately interpreted the information to mean that there are 1000 Possibilities. Of course the Nathrezim came in and told them that there are infact Infinite Possibilities not a 1000 and the Void Lords believed them.

The Old Gods are just as much pawns as Sargeras is.

I heavily suspect that when Sylvanas stated “This world is a prison!” that Zereth Mortis/Azeroth is infact the prison of the Cosmic Force of Death itself with it’s interior guarded by the First Ones and the entire Planet cast out of the Shadowlands into the Great Dark Beyond by the Eternal Ones to keep Zovaal from getting at it!

The dagger isn’t actually an old god is it? Did I miss something? I thought she was just a void monster of non-old-god type.

Yes, there’s a missing 5th old god who was “killed” but not confirmed. The theory is the 5th old god was never killed, she was imprisoned in the dagger - her lines give it away, she has knowledge dating back way before the naaru ruled and light vs void war begun, meaning she’s existed for ages. She might even be a void lord herself and one of the most powerful ones.


And Yogg Saron will be renamed “Grandpa” Saron.

The Dagger has Runes of Domination in them. It should be obvious that this Dagger was the Mourneblade that took Zovaal’s Sigil from him and thus had a fragment of his Soul until release.

The being imprisoned in the Dagger is a Fragment of Zovaal!

Xal’atath: We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago.

Zovaal promptly grabbed his brethren’s power for himself as foretold.

Xal’atath: It was thought his kind was incorruptible. A lesson for my brothers I suppose.

Zovaal is pretty much gloating about corrupting Harbaron despite Denathrius and the Primus assuming it impossible.

Because Yogg is offensive, it is derogatory to the Yogis.

Xalatath was clearly an Old God that the others turned upon and imprisoned because they knew killing each other risked killing Azeroth. The Blade of the Black Empire being a mourneblade is unlikely, plus we already had the viable theory that Yassarrahj who was the strongest of the Old Gods forged it from a piece of himself.

Let alone look at the Primus, he clearly has that finger cover for his rune etching. Not to mention that if there is a Mourneblade that predates Frostmourne its very likely the weapon we recovered from the House of the Chosen, given we’ve seen now in the assaults it absorbs souls to empower itself.

Do it Blizzard.