Honestly if they made a Classic +, essentially that game but with the benefits of modern WoW, I probably wouldn’t play anything else.
The moment to moment combat is just so slow compared to modern WoW. I got into a fight with a human mage that lasted like 15 damn minutes. Reminded me of WW2 tank fights because we’d maneuver slowly around and stop to cast. Then in the end he ran away, successfully, as Priests didn’t get a speed boost ability yet and once he blinked that was pretty much it. Could only trail behind him making rude gestures. Rather anti climatic.
Hehehe… someone did got my very far fetched analogy posted in the “Bliiz will villain bat Elune and An´she” thread.
Though I think I´d be happily surprised if the devs instead go full Hajime Kanzaka and make the “First Ones” rippoffs from the Lord of Nightmares.
Now THAT would be one plot twist: imagine… the actual creators of the “Universe” actually never inteded for this and their freaking goal is to actually “absorb” their “stuff” back, Zooval is just a massive robot esque fanboy of them whose real goal in life is to make his “parents” happy -which would explain too the “lack” of personality on his characterization-.
Indeed, they seem to be trying to make some sort of “World building” with the whole "there are actually not one but 6 pantheons out there and a new tier of “real Gods”… probolem is, they just use this premise to introduce the apocalyptic side, NOT the actual “ok, THIs is what these people are about”.
Have I presented you the word of our lord and saviour Hajime Kanzaka and his Slayers light novel series? (yes I´m an actual japanese manga fan… the actual good ones are waaay less disastrous than comics sorry not sorry).
TBH Zovaal is great. He reminds me of some 80s cartoon villain that exists to sell action figures. Just some big evil overlord man, a laughing skeletor to stand up on a hill and go MUAHAHAHA, AT LAST I SHALL RULE.
There’s purity in his aesthetic and I respect that. All the “Don’t you see I was only evil to stop the BIGGER evil!” has run its course and needs a break, at least for a while.
Zovaal is just mad and wants to kill you. And I’ve half a mind to let him, he’s earned it. Looks baller too.
I guess my confusion is how he’s done that better than other villains like N’Zoth or Gul’Dan or Arthas.
I’ve mentioned before how my absolute favorite villain in WoW, bar none, is the kat daddy himself Kel’Thuzad.
Because the Lich, when done well, just oozes personality. He’s also a force of nature chaotic evil type. But he is a smartass, acts insecure sometimes, is so exquisitely petty and above all seems to be enjoying himself.
I don’t know about you but if I get functionial immortality and complete command over glacial winds and death itself- I’m going to be practicing my evil cackle and villain one liners at least an hour a day every day.
“No, I expectyouto die. Hmm. Let me try a different inflection. Ahem, No!, I expect you to die!”.
And Zooval just sounds bored. Seriously his master plan eons in the making is finally coming to fruition and the guy sounds like it’s just another day at the office. Zest is the spice of live Mr . Jailor. Why don’t you use those sigils to magic yourself cheerful, you grim growly gus.
Threads actually analyzing the story and its themes: locked and unlisted
Threads filled with trolls, homophobia, and more obvious racism (like the “Anduin should be gay” thread where some people were encouraging phrenology to determine racial hierarchy for a few hundred posts): open and listed
Some people are far too willing to give people wearing a very thin mask for their bigotry the benefit of the doubt and treat anyone stating what is pretty obviously questionable in a left-wing framework as the bad guy.
Well N’Zoth is barely a character so he doesn’t count. And I like Gul’dan and Arthas, so . I wouldn’t say he’s better than them.
I think, jokes aside, the thing I enjoy about the Jailer that differentiates him from those characcters is that I’m actually not entirely sure what he’s going to do next and that’s a very rare feeling when it comes to WoW characters, rarer when it’s actually intended and not just a result of schizophrenic characterization a la BFA. I actually get to learn things about him as the story unfolds. So I’m cherishing it while I can before something dumb happens.
Wow, that thread had nothing offensive or TOS breaking in it whatsoever, just pointing out the abysmal state of faction pride and the continual lying and blatant retconning of the story to suit these hack writers wants. Yet they lock it. What a terrible company.
Yeah WTF. I take an appointment and two phone calls and the threads locked and delisted lol. And nothing was that controversial about it.
Like the Trolls and Tauren have their IRL culture influences affixed in big flashing neon lights. It’s hardly subtle and I’ve no earthly idea why noting that ist verboten now.
I’d make the joke that the writers probably don’t know either, but that’s almost expected at this point.
Being more serious though, I’m actually getting the feeling that Zovaal is actually going to defeated somewhat easily by someone else. Part of it is the whole “Five keys to open the way” thing to set up whatever is next, but mostly to have our expectations subverted and because of the way people are reacting to this predictable story.
Blizz has been getting a ton of crap for 9.1 so far, if what people are saying online is true. So you’re probably right, they’ll likely do a last second pivot during 9.2 to try and go for the big shock reveal with the whole There was always someone worse pulling the big bads strings and it’ll fall flat like it always does.