A minor addition to why this character does not work IMO.
So, we have the post-raid cinematic. We are there, the players. And what does the Jailer do? I assume most people here saw it. So, what’s missing?
Stand as One
The Jailer says: A relic of the First Ones… responding to a mortal?! Impossible!
He knows really well that the PCs can do what he cannot. He knows that no matter what we’ll be able to “cancel” everything he could ever do, no matter how many “+” would the devs put in his description.
Denathrius tried to co-operate with us at least for a moment. And it’s known that the players for a few trinkets are up for many things.
Trader Ba’telk says: I am growing fond of these mortals. Many possess flexible morals. I can appreciate that.
Trader Ba’gor says: Not sure they would agree. They seem to believe they are the heroes of the story.
Trader Ba’telk says: Depends who is telling the story, does it not?
So, promice that Remornia is a waifu candidate, offer a cool mount, and here we go - ready to fulfil the OGs
C’Thun: You will betray your friends.
Y’Shaarj: You should kill them all. You must kill them all.
N’Zoth whispers: With every choice, you become more my servant.
But… even though the material to make it interesting can be found all the way to classic, we have… what we have.
The fact that that the devs had the biggest team, budget, approval for delay, no constrains, and will all the resources and the player support that is the best they could do… is rather concerning.
On a positive note, it makes it easier to quit the game.
Gift of N’Zoth
You are special in the eyes of N’Zoth. He sees all.
gl hf