Zoom speed adjust

Is there a way to increase the zoom speed? I don’t have zoom speed adjust on my mouse. I found this macro from an old post but it doesn’t seem to work:

/console cameraDistanceMoveSpeed

values being 1-50

Anyone have anything?

Try cameraZoomSpeed


Thank you, definitely works. I guess I was already at max zoom speed :frowning: wish there was a way to make the zoom scroll even more sensitive.

Turn this script into an addon with https://addon.bool.no/

local increment = 4 -- default is 1
local oldZoomIn = CameraZoomIn
local oldZoomOut = CameraZoomOut

function CameraZoomIn(v)

function CameraZoomOut(v)

or use https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/maxcam

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Perfect exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, appreciate it!!

You could also give the “Reactive Zoom” of the DynamicCam addon a try.

With this you can not only increase the zoom speed as Ketho suggested, but you can also set it to zoom quadratically. I.e. when you zoom in/out a certain distance it starts slow, then gets faster and slows down again towards the end.

The zoom speed can also be determined by how fast you move your mouse wheel!