Zone Overview: Enter the Emerald Dream

Sadly, that reference is wasted on me :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Emerald Dream should’ve been huge, like the size of all 4 DF zones + the Reach.
This little slice of the zone is such a lazy way to present it, just like the Nazjatar we got versus the whole of Nazjatar that was blocked by the water wall, and all the Nazjatar underwater we just zoomed lby getting to the raid.


Emerald Daydream - the Upscale, right-sized living arrangement for you and your significant sleeping other!

When you want to get out of the trunk of the tree, but stay within its shade, the Emerald Daydream provides vibrant community living at a fraction of the risk of existential invasion!

Emerald Daydream - Wake up and then fall asleep again to your new life -TODAY!

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The Timegating I’m assuming is the Zaralek Caverns Questline and the Renown leveling to level 15 for each Faction including the Emerald Dream’s own Faction.

Ardenweald is Night while the Emerald Dream looks like Twilight to me. I see stars in the Emerald Dream’s sky as well as Ardenweald’s yet the Emerald Dream is brighter.

Fitting since the Emerald Dream is currently supposed to be the blueprint for all Worlds and Realms including Ardenweald, Elune’s Realm and the Sun’s Realm and therefore should be between all of them as the Twilight of Reality leading into Dawn and Dusk.

Wasn’t it more that they kept bringing it up more than once?

trying to get to 15 with Loamm after coming back from a long break is painful. No one is there.

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To be fair, there was no one there even in the first week to speak of.

Haven’t been able to do a single rare in that zone on my server. When Researchers isn’t being buggy (by sharding you out of it) you can still find folks doing that.

But other than the quests, it is painful. Best options are:

  • Chests
  • Meritt digs. Sniff out extra stuff and hope you get the rep drops or the additional quest drops that gives you a few more drips of the rep.
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If you feel as though you were misrepresented by your Emerald Daydream developer by way of high-pressure sales tactics or MUA timegating, we could assist you in an Emerald Daydream exit plan. As 1000 year veterans in the Emerald Daydream exit business, we encourage you to explore the many reasons why Emerald Dreamers are choosing NorMercy’s Emerald Exit to assist with their Emerald Daydream nightmare.

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Save all the +rep tokens you get, especially the +2500 ones you get from the campaign chapters. Go to the current Dreamsurge zone when the xp/rep buff is up, then use all your tokens (in that zone ofc).


I never see this … Ive gone from the underground place to the active zone and have not seen the buff. All I ever see is the exp buff.

Dreamsurge Learnings is the buff you’re looking for. It’s not the one that’s always running, it’s one of the buffs that gets voted in every half hour.

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Ahh ok. Do you see it up often?

Not sure the frequency as I rarely pay attention to the buffs given anymore. I have seen it active though.

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I’m not always paying close attention to what buff is active, but across the whole of 10.1.7 I’ve yet to ever notice dreamsurge learnings up.

This zone looks exactly how a modern day Night Elf area should look. You guys did really well.

My only hope is that the music and tone can match the same serene feel as a vanilla Ashenvale, Teldrassil or Darkshore.


Describing the tone of each Night Elven Zone:

Teldrassil seems to embody both Night Elves and Lothlorien combined.

Ashenvale just embodies the Night Elves.

Darkshore embodies a Magical Wood Elven Coastline.

Felwood embodies Mirkwood the only difference is that the Water is Green not Black and the Lights are Green not Orange.

Winterspring embodies Winter Elf Land.

Moonglade embodies Lothlorien.

Feralas embodies an Elven Jungle.

Mount Hyjal half embodies the Vibrant Mountain with Glowing Magical Water with the other half embodying an dull mountain with Forest Fires.

Vashj’ir’s Shimmering Expanse embodies an ancient ruined Underwater Kingdom.

Azsuna represents a High Elven summer retreat.

Suramar represents a High Elven Kingdom.

Val’sharah represents the Druids.

Nazjatar represents a High Elven Kingdom drawn out of the depths of the Ocean.

Ardenweald represents the Fairy Realm.

The Emerald Dream represents a Magical Dream Forest.

Hopefully Avaloren should it ever appear ingame will have a Fairy Kingdom just as Avalon does in Legend and Cartoons.

Yet, they can’t make the warrior set look good

I don’t even know anymore. Hell, half the time an NPC sends me to the Emerald Dream it’s just the same as the regular world but with a green filter.


The only times it wasn’t was in Legion and Dragonflight.

In Legion it was the last small part of the Raid next to a pond and the Emerald Dreamway Zone.

In Dragonflight it’s a big Zone filled with ancient magical wonder compared to the Kokiri Forest feel of Val’sharah.

That is because ZM had hard water…

/buh dum tish