Zomby [H] lives on Mankrik!
Loot Council | Late-night raiding 10PM-1AM EST Tues/Wed/Sat | Fresh Progression
Zomby’s raid team is clearing ZG multiple times a week (1:40 ZG clears on average) and step into MC progression this week. Now is the time to start fresh with PvE content if you have missed the opportunity thus far. We are recruiting all levels and classes to clear at a comfortable pace with a progression-focused group. Our philosophy is one of inclusivity where common sense and respect reign supreme. Guild leadership consists of Vanilla-current retail & private server experienced players.
Our aim is to provide a raiding environment for those who wish to progress and farm content at a later start time. The majority of our guild activity occurs after 8pm but there are often players online around the clock.
Interested? DM Neckbreaker#1743 or Neckbreaker in game for a one-on-one chat.
Thank you for your time and stay safe!
Get in on the ground floor! If you fell behind or are just now getting into the end game, this is your opportunity to progress with a guild of great people! Transparent and knowledgeable leadership as well as active guild chat and discord!
It’s a pleasure raiding with a guild that plans for success and sees the whole road. We enjoy raiding, we’re just missing some good late-night people who like to kill dragons.
I’ve never been a part of such an amazing group of people as I’ve been with this group! We have accomplished so much in such a short time!
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Great guild, great people!
Stepping into MC tonight! Log on around 10PM server if you want to be part of the action.
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Good folks for good raids <3
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Made some great progress tonight in MC, 6/10 and climbing - have room for more to join us this week!
Calendar for week of 7/19/2020:
7/19 - ZG - 10PM start, 9:45 invites
7/20 - Off night/attunement runs
7/21 - Onyxia (1st Guild Run) - 10PM start, 9:45 invites
7/22 - ZG - 10PM start, 9:45 invites
7/23 - Onyxia (yes, again! lockout resets mid week) - 10PM start, 9:45 invites
7/24 - Off night/attunement runs
7/25 - Molten Core - 10PM start, 9:45 invites
DM Neckbreaker#1743 or Neckbreaker in game for more info!
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That’s how it is here, we’re always doing content together