Is this akin to, “I don’t like this event so it shouldn’t be a thing”
You get about 12 years of order yet refuse to tolerate a week of chaos?
Get a group of anti zombie people to fight the zombie army. There’s so many guards there to help you out. I also wonder if you are able to kill them as a ghoul or do they become friendly to you?
Die from be swarmed by 5 ghouls every time I try to collect my daily quests. I just want to play the game like you, I just don’t want to participate in Blizzard’s latest foray into the world of Cyber Bullying.
Zombie invasion is weak and unplayable. Make the scourge spread better at least. I don’t mind dying and having to run for my body, but at least let me spread it to a few NPC’s or players.
It’s just too bad whiney babes (like this paladin) have to get their way and Blizzard nerfs the content to where it is unplayable.
Yeah so you remove yourself from it, don’t expect things to change at the expense of others. Don’t assume because you are a paying customer, the game has to revolve around your schedule or wishes.
I’ve never heard of Cyber Bullying being a thing you sue for.
they become friendly and not attackable. self cleansing doesn’t work. getting a group takes even longer then just eating the damage and repair bills and dying repeatedly trying to get some killing blows on necessary mobs until you get quest completion. it is NOT however fun. and if you want to unlock IC dailies to collect those armor appearances? it is NOT optional or skippable.
edited to add. the irony is… i am actualy trying to participate in pre-expansion event. you know the part that doesn’t come with griefing, but is limited time all the same
you knew this was coming… so why did you wait?
…sounds like you waited just so you’d have something to complain about.
That would make the whole situation much better if we could do that! Have to land to collect daily quests and either the quest giver is dead or zombies swarms attack, or both. If we could attack from the air we kill the zombies before we land.
I didn’t think that dying by zombies affected your repair bill. Well if its really affecting you, feel free to add me to help you. I can heal you and kill them happily
the zombies aren’t even that strong, wow! and worst part is it is next to impossible to spread the disease thanks to whining crying people like you!
I was under impression that flagging was going to be toggleable not automatic. moreover… not all of us have unlimited time to play every day, all day.
I just RP walked from the Orgrimmar auction house to the portal room and back and didnt see a single zombie. OP is a troll.
dying AS a zombie does. and in order to respawn as a non zombie to continue questing, you have to die. my choice is to walk away and explode where i don’t infect anyone.
Its Blizzard sanctioned griefing.
the quest is a short one, and it’s not as if today is the first day it was available.
If you are subject to it you can. Especially when someone else choice determines that. It is much like a “hostile work environment” suite.
today is a first day I had time to do it on alts for other armor types than my main. event was supposed to be 2 weeks.
again, ALL of this could be solved by making a toggle manual rather then automatic. but that would mean that people could actualy genuinely avoid being griefed and we cannot have that, apparently.