Zombie invasion makes game unplayable!

Cyber bully alert! I hope Blizzard is monitoring this.

What exactly are you trying to do, collect 4 sacks of sugar for the SW cooking daily?


Which is the exact opposite of what OP stated his issue is with it. He just wants a way to opt out of participating instead of it being forced on him.


why would there be choice?

why do people think opting out of a zombie invasion is viable?

zombies don’t care who you are.
they just want your brains.

get creative and move on with life.


Collect seeds, so I can grow carrots and witchberries for faction.

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And here I am looking for zombies to kill me because so far I’ve seen next to nothing.

They nerfed this thing to the ground and of course people are still complaining.


because its a video game? because its not a real plague? because we have warmode and before that - had pvp and pve servers FOR A REASON? it SHOULD be viable to opt out of the event or portions of the event you are not interested in.

aside from previous zombie invasion? every WoW event is opt in only for pretty much every aspect of it. why shouldn’t this one?


Apparently we were promised an opt in / opt out but Blizzard did not deliver.



…Mind giving us proof that Cyberbullying is sue-iable? I feel like i don’t think i’m on the same page here as you and i’m probably thinking about something else. Like, taken outside of schools and children, Cyberbullying i feel could mean practically anything, whether real or perceived, or fake, could cover a lot of stuff and then some more if in somebody’s hands, things that you don’t normally think are cyberbullying and such.

I say all this because this is an extreme response for something that can easily be solved via block button or just ignored.

Pre patch events are meant to impact the player base in the lead up to a release.

Judging by the butthurt, I’d say it’s hitting the mark.


never happened.

i’m completely over people using the word “promise” when they clearly have no understanding of what the word means.

weird, because i remember being a wee lowbie kickin it in Dun Morogh during the pre-legion event, and getting completely decimated by the bosses which spawned in the zone.
…and their abilities would cause flagging.

either you have a short memory, or a very selective one.


But in this case the event has no impact on those of us that want it because zombies are so weak.

I don’t get what OP is complaining about. I’m trying to be killed by zombies and I can’t.

You do not remember how Facebook was sued for allowing cyber bullying on their platform? People committed suicide because of it and they now have a strict anti-bullying policy as a result. I strike and you are out policy!

stand in green goo while being attacked, will make it easier to die.

This is a slap to the face!

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But it is completely playable you just choose not to play it.

You are missing the point! I am complaining bout the lack of choice.


I remember that event. 1. those bosses stayed to specific areas, they didn’t infect you and you couldn’t spread them to other areas. 2. xp from killing those bosses was pretty great. 3. I was never once flagged by those bosses and I used to seek out that event on alts, because of xp and stuff.


It only lasts for a week. It’s inconsequential…


As much as I hate PvP, this event doesn’t bother me at all. I mean, sometimes we can’t control the crap that happens to us. Oh, well. :woman_shrugging:t2: