Yeah, I have a window to actually try and my tillers quests and farm planted so im out.
I do realize that, but that context isn’t really important to the point I was making, nor does it seem all too important even in the dev’s quote. It doesn’t read as “oh we’re so sorry to cause inconvenience to you players, we won’t do it again,” but rather “we’re ending the event early this time, but understand that we want to create a living breathing world and we felt that having people turn into zombies and turn on each other was a fitting way to accomplish this”
They even hinted at the event coming back in the future.
Honestly it amazes me that so many people are having trouble with ground based enemies when they can just fly over them.
nah lets be REAL HONEST, people dont like this event because its lazy rehashed content form 2008
I could agree with that.
Yo, I see you. Just waved at you.
So is this playable?
Idk, can say it only takes one person to do this though.
I know what the bug is with it though. Player zombies can’t attack you because you’re not flagged. Once you start hitting the other zombies you get flagged though.
My only point is there are examples of this stuff getting out hand
It kind of is the point of the event. Plague getting out of hand and needing to fight it.
How many zombies you see? Lol, theres way to many for this small town
Yeah, there’s a lot. I was the one running around in your video making them all.
Glorious. Enough said.
Boys, just a heads up the portal room NPCs are very weak and you can quickly convert them into a zombie horde.
With the main city portal rooms being a high traffic area, you can definitely get some satisfying gameplay there and it can even be done solo due to the army you can quickly assemble.
Highly suggest zombie gameplay on a level 50 mage. You can reach every high traffic city with ease by teleporting yourself when infected.
Nowhere is safe!
i think its fun and better still? i think it should stay in the game and be in more areas. really playing a zombie and helping my zombie bros take over stormwind has been the most fun that i have had in this game in years.
You proved my point though. If you as 1 person can do all that and shutdown an entire town and other people cant get done what they need to, then how are they supposed to have fun?
One counter point to a lot of what people are saying. PVP isn’t being forced on you. Players can’t attack you unless you flag. The npcs can and that’s technically pve. The npcs don’t start flagged they get flagged from attacking the guards which are pvp flagged. Little bit of oversight from blizzard there.
You get autoflagged when you land and get attacked