Zombie invasion makes game unplayable!

Also, if your “home base” is the Lazy Turnip, they’re getting you as soon as you rez into the game, and you are then stuck in the vehicle and CANNOT summon or mount your mounts, so you can’t fly away.

I agree with the OP. I have a level 22 Blood Elf Mage currently in Crossroads, Northern Barrens. I am stuck in the Inn because there are Zombies outside that will mob and kill me. I cannot fight them back because I am not flagged for PvP.

But they can sure kill me.

Guess she will just stay there until this is over.

What’s funny about all these zombies at halfhill that people are complaining about is that other mmos use little events like this permanently to deter bots and people praise it.

Die and spirit rez?

That’s what I’m saying though. Blizzard won’t feel they can make the world feel living and breathing if people react like this when they introduce small things like these.

How is the zombie invasion going to feel impactful if you can just ignore it and pick turnips?

As others have pointed out, they aren’t stealing anything from you. This isn’t your game for you to dictate how it is to be developed, but by that same token you are well within your right to unsub and not purchase SL.


Maybe if you think the game is a waste of your time you shouldn’t play it or pay for it?

Ultimately what this comes down to is people like to find things to complain about. You can still pick turnips. You might die a few times (i’ve been at halfhill for an hour now where the quest npcs are without dying because the mobs are just sitting in the inn) but you can still do it. The main takeaway Felataa is people take dying in an mmo personally like they were assaulted irl. They want to play in an organic fleshed out world, but only if it only does exactly what they want it to on a whim. They want other players, but only if the players can’t interact with them. The vibe I’m getting from a lot of the guys on here complaining is they don’t want to play an mmo. They want to play a single player game that they can get people into their game when they want to show off their stuff they’ve collected.

Open a ticket and ask Blizzard to freeze your subscription for six days so you don’t lose game time you paid for while you are not playing the game because the invasion is rendering the game unplayable for you.

They would probably do it cs is pretty cool with stuff like that. But if he did that he wouldn’t be able to get content forced on him and complain about it on the forums.

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That’s perhaps the most constructive suggestion that anyone has made. I believe that I will do that, although multiple people have opined that Blizzard won’t provide any compensation, it’s worth a try.

The worst they can say is no.

Freezing a sub isn’t compensation.

Hopefully they won’t do that then there’ll be a thread about blizzard refusing to stop forcing content.

Was going to say this but you got it first.

I got no problems playing an mmo. I dont mind getting together with guildies and doing dungeons raids whatever. I do play by myself most of the time as there is not always an event happening with the group. I just dont want to play a pvp mmo. If i did i would play CoD or Destiny Fortnite Overwatch. I can opt in to warmode if i want. I should be able to this event given all the the rest of the things in the game that are optional.

BTW your comments about how people voicing their displeasure with something should just quit or do something else shows your lack of caring for others. The opt in would allow people who want to participate have fun and do whatever while still maintaining the game for those who dont. You want to eliminate opt ins because its limited to a week and its fun is not a valid reason when your “fun” concerns ruining someone elses fun.

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I infected like 200 people today in the AH and it was amazing

Great what your point troll?

Not quite 200, but when we were able to get a zombie invasion going it was a bit of fun. Had a decent time today. Wish it was more fleshed out though.

point is that its fun for something new in the game, stop being a party pooper for a week

Umbrella corp. is hiring I hear…apply today.

There is nothing wrong with this or not wanting to participate in pvp.

This isn’t about pvp or griefing, as the event would largely be the same if all the zombies were NPCs, but rather it is about content that actively tries to engage the player base.

Not when their concern is a one week event in a video game akin to being raped. (which it is infuriating that someone would make that comparison)

That would require being a zombie to be fun and not be neutered because of people complaining about it on the forums who then take a victory cry lap about it existing at all.

This would be a better community and a better game if those complaining as if their world has ended over a limited time one week event, left.