Zombie invasion makes game unplayable!


There you go.

Meh, more like four shot tbh. But yeah turn of phrase I know.

So during the end of TBC and before the Launch of Wrath.

Maybe we like it not opt in? Maybe it makes more sense this way? Have you ever heard of a zombie that had to ask people if it was ok for it to bite them?

Since we like it this way yes you are saying the way we like it is wrong and should be changed to fit your playstyle…
I know blizz tried something different once in 12 years, the horror! Don’t worry it will all be over in a few days and we can all go back to the same old forced pve content grinds :wink: That im sure you wont be complaining about…

It was the pre-patch event used to Launch Wrath and the same stuff that is happening now happened then and the fall out and angst was EXACTLY the same.

Isn’t NEW was done back in Wrath’s Pre-Patch. Nothing NEW about this just recycled content.

either way if you play solo like me then you’re boned. maybe kill a few zombies, but no chance am I going to be able to do my farm because halfhill basically is controlled by 50 zombies that zerg me as soon as I land. just sad

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Excuse me Sir or Madam,
I’d like permission to munch on your leg. Is that ok? Can you please sign this form of consent. Thank you very much.


Pro Tip: Use chromie homie time walking, it phases you away from all the griefing.

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Right… the fall out and angst… going into the most successful expansion in the history of WoW.

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I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have high hopes for SL. But I’m a doom and gloomer but I’ll probably be right nonetheless.

The farm is unique to you and phased though.

Aim low and anything over that low standard is a win.
Will we get to kill mobs? Yes.
Will we get loot? Yes.
Will we have someone do something so stupid in a raid/dungeon that we laugh about it for weeks. Yes.

Yep the Pre-patch and the screaming that went on when it was live is just as it is now.

The one before that was the TBC event where a glitch or bug was killing entire cities.

Don’t get me wrong, everyone on here KNOWS I have very fond memories of Wrath of the Lich King. It is in my opinion the Golden Age of Warcraft.

I don’t recall a TBC event that brought the apocalypse to the cities like that.
I do remember the Plague mistake from ZG thou in Vanilla.

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Rooted have you been to the Halfhill Farm. Go there and see if you get zerged. Let us know and please be honest if it does happen.

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I’d be guessing some/many are AFK.

My last run through the portal room in MG SW was literally a run. Zombies were there. popped a leap and ran to the portal I needed like a running back lol. A few hits but they aren’t monster damage.

In eve we call this burn back to gate. Can you/do you want to fight? No. Then burn baby burn to try and clear.

HAd IRL stuff to do why I had to leave. I was looking for zombies earlier. OFC I found them…as I was leaving.

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I’m surprised that the zombies aren’t all gathered in Goldshire.

Yep that’s it, I thought it was closer to TBC pre-patch but that is the one I’m thinking of. The howls from people and then there was the hacker incident where some hackers gained control and were MASS Killing everyone in cities.

That one I can lol at.

how am i gonna get the seeds to plant if he’s dead all the time with no way to purchase them? or how about tillers questgivers dead? this is the issue

The vanilla incident was caused by a debuff that you could get on a hunter/warlock pet… dismiss the pet… and then go into a high density area in the city and summon the pet… spreading the disease. Not really a hacker thing… just a creative use of game mechanics that had rather hilarious ramifications years later.

Scientists still study that data and the scourge event data to this day.