I am currently in a casual guild looking to push into more atm. Just looking to try and do something more serious. I want to feel like my time is respected and everyone is trying their best. I just really want more ppl that share my interests a bit more. All my keys have been thru mostly pugs so far around 2200 M plus rating just wanna go a bit higher if you think i’d be a good fit plz consider me!
Server transfers are an option willing to play w/e spec is best
Days Anyday after 7-8 central good to raid 3-4 hours a night days off are thurs fri sat
Dorii#1917 is my btag
Hi there! I’m from Veneration, an Alliance guild on Proudmoore that is currently 7/8H & 2/8M. We’re a friendly, inclusive mid-core raiding guild with a zero-drama policy. We raid on Thursdays from 7:30-10:30pm PST & Sundays from 6:30-9:30pm PST. Please let me know if you’re interested in learning more!
We are an AotC/early mythic focused 8/8H horde guild on Area 52 looking for a couple more dps for mythic, specifically a WW. If you’re interested please add me on discord and we’ll chat more! Here is a link to our recruitment thread. Thanks for your time and have fun out there! =)