Zidormi workaround with exact instructions

Edit: New bug! If you go back in time, then go do other stuff (dungeons, anniversary, TWW), when you return to Tirisfal Glades via the Silvermoon translocation orb, you have to speak to Zidormi to return to the present, then go back in time again. :upside_down_face:

Certain characters may not be able to access the Hallow’s End event hub due to phasing. Phase choices (when you talk to Zidormi) are persistent. If you chose a different phase multiple expansions ago, you’ll still be in that phase until you talk to Zidormi again.

  • For certain characters (such as Remix or DF-era evokers), Zidormi may not be present at all, preventing you from changing phases.
  • If you’re in the wrong phase, taking the portal from Orgrimmar to Undercity (at the top of the zeppelin tower) may kill you.

For Horde characters, go to the Orgrimmar portal room and take the Silvermoon City portal. Exit the room and turn right. Go past the NPCs into the back room. Go up the ramp and click the Translocation Orb. If you have done the BfA intro, you may be ported directly to Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades, allowing you to change phase.

For Alliance characters, since the trip to Tirisfal isn’t short, it’s easier to check if you’ve completed the BfA intro scenario first. Go to the steps below.

For both factions, this is per character. Doing the scenario once allows you to skip it on alts, but only after you do a couple of introductory quests.

  1. Find a Hero’s Call/Warchief’s Call mission board in your faction’s capitol city. Talk to the NPC next to it (Hero’s Herald/Warchief’s Herald) and see if they have a Battle for Azeroth quest. If yes, continue to step 2. If no, skip to step 3.
  2. Accept the BfA quest. Go to Stormwind Keep/Grommash Hold. Alliance turn in the quest with Anduin and get the follow-up. Horde exit the Hold and go to the inn, turn in the quest with Nathanos, get the follow-up, and pick up the poison.
  3. Check the second quest in the quest chain.
    a. For Alliance, go to the northmost dock of Stormwind Harbor and see if Jaina is there. If she is, she should have a quest for you or the option to skip.
    b. For Horde, go outside the Orgrimmar bank and see if Nathanos is there. If he is, he should have a quest or skip.
  4. You’ll be ported to Boralus or Zuldazar. For Alliance, you’ll now have Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades. For Horde, turn in the quest The Stormwind Extraction but don’t get the follow-up.

Note: If you are Horde, unless you’ve previously phased back on that character, it’s still not safe to take the Undercity portal from the zeppelin tower in Orgrimmar. It will port you into a plagued version of Undercity, where you’ll die and get auto-rezzed in Brill.

Why this convoluted mess?

There are multiple phases for Tirisfal Glades/Undercity:

  • Vanilla, where the Hallow’s End event hub is
  • After the Battle for Lordaeron (BfA prepatch event, no longer available)
  • Shadowlands patch 9.2.5, Return to Lordaeron, which left the area a plagued mess

Side note on other Zidormi instances
There’s a Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh, just outside the bridge to Theramore. On a new, non-Remix alt, this Zidormi didn’t have any dialog options. However, Theramore was in its pre-mana bomb state, and Zidormi offered to sell me a Theramore tabard (which I earned on another character in Remix).


The Horde work around unfortunately does not work for those who are Remix Characters. you have to complete the quest from Shadowlands starting with Calia in Org.


Huh. It worked just fine on my Alliance remix DK. I should have tested it with a Horde remix character.

This needs to be fixed ASAP for Hallows End - even a simple event portal from Org to old / event UC would suffice.

Expecting players to try and figure out this convoluted mess and still end up getting killed when ported because the game sent them into plauged UC, and then finding no Zidormi available is unacceptable.


Thank you!! This was exactly what I needed to get my Wickerman buff for my mage that’s in DF content now. It’s great of you to take the time to do this testing and spell it all out. Cheers!



Thank you for this but why should we need to do this ? It’s not our job to find ways to make the game work .


Not to mention it doesn’t work for every character, what may or may not work depends on if the character was boosted, played through from 1 / 10, or was leveled in remix, along with when the character was leveled and / or if the character ever played the expansion that destroyed UC.

Blizzard need to either move the event to Org, change the default on portals to old UC, or drop in an event portal in Org to old UC.

Players should not need to Google up a bunch of may-work work arounds and spend 30 minutes, an hour, or more trying to get a character to the event.


This toon is boosted.

Doing the BfA intro quest was what solved it for me.

Thank you OP for figuring this out :slight_smile:

To the devs.

I never would have figured out on my own that I had to go back and do the BfA intro quests to unlock the Halloween quests 6 years later.

If that’s going to be a requirement it really needs to be stated on the Hollows end quests which expansions we need to do the intro quests for and any other prerequisites we need per toon.

I actually did all of the pre-reqs on several other toons.

Still had to go back and do the BfA intro to unlock it on this toon.


Seems Horde characters have different experiences based on where and what they’ve done. I had already started BfA on this alt (never completed, but did complete the opening scenarios), and while I didn’t do Shadowlands, I did go back and do the Lordaeron questline.

When I first entered Lordaeron for Hallow’s End, I used the Orgrimmar portal and ended up in the portal room, a cleared Lordaeron, but no NPCs/no Hallow’s End. After going back and forth, I used the translocation orb to Silvermoon, then used the translocation orb from Silvermoon back to Lordaeron. Now, all of the Hallow’s End NPCs are present.

Not sure if this helps. Good luck, all!

EDIT: This is not a permanent fix, but is apparently what I have to do each time → Portal from Orgrimmar to Lordaeron, Translocation orb to Silvermoon, Translocation orb back to Lordaeron, and Hallow’s Eve folks are there.

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The Silvermoon trick doesn’t work on my Horde Evoker. Still can’t get to the phased Undercity with the Wickerman. (sighs)


Can we get a fix for this or what Blizz geez?


I’ve just done Battle for Az quest line and all the others except Call to Lordaeron and while I can see Zidormi - she won’t give the option to turn back to past time. This is just silly and it’s supposed to be a fun Halloween event… this isn’t fun.


I used the portal from Org and ended up in the Portal room only to end up dying.

I saw there was the “consulting our allies” quest available. I could of sworn I did this questline since this is my main toon. I have the achievement… but maybe I didnt do it on this toon.

Ended up going back to Org, then SM City to use the UC portal there. Got ported next to Zidormi. Was able to revert back to before the event. Now I can do the Hallow’s End stuff.

Guess I’ll need to go eventually complete the Return to Lorderon storyline…wished there was a skip for this.

Everything is so bugged lately. I’m on my character that did the “Return to Lorderon storyline,” but the green plague haze is still visible but it doesn’t hurt me. Some times when I port to UC the time is messed up and I have to talk to Zidormi a couple times to fix it. UC’s FP isn’t connected to the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms FP’s. Some times UC’s elevator’s don’t work. My Death Gate sent me to Westfall into the deeps sea, and I fell thru the floor going into the LK’s room in ICC. I’m scared to teleport any where.


Yeah the amount of bugs in this game is staggering. I don’t think they care anymore, the anniversary event also sucks.


This bug’s been buggin’ me so much! I’ve been searching for a work-around to no avail until just now.
50 point to Griffindor!

Now to figure out how to see this squirrel in Zuldazar…

Update from a month later, still bugging on certain alts for me

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Still bugged. I see Zidormi and she just doesn’t want to talk to me. This is on my basically brand new Earthen:


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Not working for me either - she doesnt want to offer old tirisfal glades as an option. im flying to silvermoon to see if it works but its disappointing!

ZOMG, thank you! I had just completed the ‘Return to Lordaeron’ questline on one of my mages, so I could access old UC to get to one of the Elders for the Lunar holiday, only to NOT be able to into UC even after talking to Zidormi. Following your instructions solved it for me, so a thousand thank yous!