Zidormi Missing in past version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms

I am trying to get back to the present version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Zidormi is not at the Mogu’shu Palace where she usually is to travel back to the present time. Is anyone else having the issue of not being able to see her? I can’t even see the white bubble on my map to pinpoint her location.


This sounds like a pretty major issue. This needs to be fixed ASAP IMO.

can confirm I can’t find her either

Ditto. A few months on now…either we’re missing something here - or another spectacularly lengthy bug with no fix? :confused:

I can confirm this is still an issue, my char is currently stuck in the past. I’m on day 3 waiting on response to my in game ticket.

She’s missing in the present as well. I also went over to the Kun-Lai Summit Zidormi (to see if maybe I could time-travel though her), and she’s non-responsive.

Can confirm, still missing from the present

Yeah. She’s still missing.

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ditto to all the above; we could use some help from a blue post. thanks in advance.

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Same here, I can’t see her at all. I’ve tried relogging, clearing cache, /tar, nothing. I’m level 60 so Chromie time is already disabled. What’s going on? Can we get a blue to look into this and fix it?

afaik, you stay in the “old” timeline until you unlock the assaults.

all of my 60s who haven’t unlocked the assaults, are permanently in the old time-line.


Some others above say she is missing from the present timeline, too.

assuming they’re posting on the characters in question, i just looked up Malinsar and Murdrich, and neither of them seem to have completed the assault pre-quests

To get Zidormi to appear you have to complete the “Return of the Black Prince” story line starting with “An Unwelcome Advisor” for Ally or “Return of the Black Prince” for Horde up to and completing “Network Diagnostics”.

This requires that you have received the heart of Azeroth, unlocked Nazjatar, and empowered the heart.

Some of the required heart quests can be picked up from the Earthen Guardian in either Borealis or Dazar’alor.

Be sure to have unlocked world quests by doing either “Uniting Kul Tiras” or “Uniting Zandalar” in order to unlock Nazjatar which requires “The Warchief’s Order” or “The Wolf’s Offensive”

If you can pick up the quest:
“A Brother’s Help”. Complete this chain until it ports you back to the heart chamber.

And then, and this is a strange one, you may have to do some or all of the following:

  1. Log out completely
  2. Change characters
  3. Pick up the quest “A Titanic Problem”, fly to Vale of Eternal Blossoms with the quest in your log and abandon it there.

For whatever reason #3 is the step that actually makes her visible for me after everything else has been done. Even with doing everything else the ruined version Vale is still phased until I did that step. Bizarre, I know…

After that be sure to abandon any remaining/follow-on quests from that quest chain and she should be visible.


My character has already unlocked all of the requirements and had the assaults active but I still cannot see Zidormi. Only one of my characters worked through the BFA expansion. I am truly confused and submitted a bug report today. I wanted to get back to present day Pandaria to continue battle pet collecting LOL.

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This is my main that is phased out for Zidormi in present day Pandaria btw

Have you figured out a way to find zidormi yet?

I had a character in new vale, used Zidormi to switch to old vale, and now Zidormi isn’t there to switch back. How do I fix this?

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Do we have to do this for every single character or is it account-wide? If it isn’t account-wide it really should be because that’s a lot for what should be such a simple task lol

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My solution from above is per character.

IMO the Zidormi options should include the at launch MoP zone including the world quests. As well, the most chronologically up to date option should be default as it is in all of the other areas where she is present.