ZG too easy?

I was laughing all night. My vanilla guild had next to no gear, I was a Conflag Warlock in Rank 10 loot, and we brought nothing but meme specs, and man did we ever wipe a lot.

Tonight, I went in with my BWL farming guild…and yeah its not the same. :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t think anyone doubts KT is going to die day one. The question is whether everyone and their mother will kill KT day one. People are struggling in BWL; there’s no chance a guild like that kills KT day one, which is generally what people mean when they say Naxxramas is the real challenge.

There’s always going to be someone who clears the content on the first day. In retail, even with how absurdly punishing some of the mythic encounters are, they’ve only managed to slow down progress to a week. Of course content that people have been practicing on private servers (and in vanilla) for over a decade is not going to last long when cleared by the most competent players in the world.


“People are struggling in BWL?” I am not sure what server you come from, but there are pugs that have been clearing BWL on my server for a long time now.


A couple consumes and an Ony buff we picked up going and it was about as hard as my guild expected it to be. Just a fun Zug Zug hang out with your friends and hit stuff experience.

It’s like an MC tier catch up raid, hell it’s more comparable to UBRS than a raid really. Nobody should have been expecting anything hard if MC was/is easy for them.

You’d have a point if 5 priests hadn’t been cleared already.

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I’m sorry, what does 5 priest have to do with what I said? If anything it supports what I said.

5 priests is something that people couldn’t do back in Vanilla. Even guilds that cleared naxx. It was the ultimate challenge for PvE, it didnt last 2 days.

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“People should have expected ZG to be easy”

‘but they cleared 5 priest in one day!’


nah, bc we won’t be out geared for Naxxramas

You are missing my point, all of classic is mind numbingly easy. Too the point where even things that people couldn’t pull off back in the day are being blown out of the water immediately.


Okay but, what does that have to do with what I said…?

Yes, people are struggling in BWL. That’s true on every realm, and the fact there are PUGs that have been clearing BWL on your realm doesn’t change that fact. Furthermore, “struggling” doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t clear the content, though there is no shortage of guilds that still have not cleared BWL.

By the way, you can see what realm I’m from when you reply to me.

Yeah, that tends to happen when people have been practicing the content for over a decade, often on servers that had the difficulty overtuned.


I was in a top raid guild on my server in Vanilla so…it was always easy. /shrug

With all of the information we have now, obviously it’s easy for almost everyone.

Perfect place for alts.

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Outgearing is about more than item level. The number of people in vanilla who thought 8/8 tier sets were actually worth wearing was immense.

We won’t have higher level gear going into Naxx. We will absolutely have better optimized gear.


Wait till naxx. That’ll surely be the real difficult challenge. Once naxx gets swept in a few hours, it’ll turn into “yeah well blizz nerfed it for you casuals. naxx was harder in patch 1.11.10293794389 the patch that lasted for all of 2 days but a boss was harder during that time #nochanges



If it’s a patch from vanilla, it’s acceptable to the no changes crowd. Whether or not the content – when accurate to vanilla – is too easy has nothing to do with #nochanges.

I look forward to Naxxramas either way, especially because of posts like this one. Some are so very confident it will be a cakewalk while using a handful of world class guilds as proof that the content is easy (because every guild is APES, right?), while others are very confident it will be super difficult (because everyone still keyboard turns and backpedals, right?).


I’m sure naxx will be difficult for some guilds but, the people acting like vanilla raiding was only doable by gods in human form that even then would take months of incredibly hard training refining their every muscle twitch so they could do their rotation and all the mechanics without dying from sheer mental and physical overload is incredibly silly to say the least.

As for the whole #nochanges thing, there’s even examples of people in this thread claiming we aren’t using a “real” vanilla patch because the idea that 1.12 was actually vanilla is offensive to some people for some reason.

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Agreed. I think any of the world first videos would be proof how easy the content was. It was being done by keyboard turners, clickers, and backpedalers wearing terrible gear and specs.

Even so, I think there’s going to be a noticeable difference in difficulty. At least personally speaking as a tank, I noticed quite a difference between MC and BWL. I suspect we can expect a similar difficulty spike that gear will no longer be able to compensate for with AQ40 and Naxxramas.

As Feral, I only get 4 minor item upgrades in BWL (edit: and one big one, DFT). I’m not going to be that much stronger going into AQ40, but the bosses will be significantly harder just like MC to BWL was, even though MC was admittedly just “healers, go ahead and take a nap, we don’t need to heal for this boss.”

No one said anything like that in this thread, at least.

The only person who said anything remotely close to that was Funkflex saying we had “new skills” and BC talents. I think he’s rather handily dismissed as not knowing what he’s talking about.

if you raid Classic just for difficulty, you’re wasting your time since you’re paying for Retail.

debatably if you’re playing classic for the pvp climb that’s a good reason.

They asked if it was going to be. Because they were under geared.
Normal difficulty. Now Hakkar you can make hard let the priest live.