Requesting to change the ZG lockout to daily in order to allow everyone to get more idols, and allow people to get their class trinkets. It’s actually a bit absurd going into ZG and wanting to get a class trinkets item and 14/15 people are reserving the EOM items. For some, ie mages, it completely is necessary to have the full 5 set in order to viably play frost DPS or first healer. And the shoulder enchant is so good for everyone and it’s locked behind exalted rep, reducing the raid lockout to daily would allow people to catch up instead of remaining behind extensively.
How about just letting us buy idols or enchants with reals. No one wants to do ZG at this point.
ZG is a catch-up raid. It’s intended to be ran by up and coming raiders or alta to gear up to current phases. Blizzard wouldn’t normally remove the entire purpose of the raid for max geared toons by trivializing the collection of idols and trinkets. But one thing they could do is reduce the timer, or increase raid drops per lockout, or even let you do multiple eom bosses per lockout, and that would still give incentive for more geared players to go to the raids. Idk. I see it as a net positive.
You haven’t been paying attention to SoD have you, blizzard literally has made all previous raids no worth doing once a new one comes out. Naxx is the worst case of this if they release it with their current systems. No ones really doing “catch up” raids, they are just over manning the current raid with undergeared characters.
I run ZG on CD and have yet to see a tiger mount. =(
PS. On 3 different toons.
How many idols do you need? Let’s assume your raid group is 30 for AQ, Split that into 2 ZG groups. 10 idols per week per group. How many more idols do you need?
I’m still running them for a chance at Tiger Mount. =)
You need 1 idol for each new head or leg item piece if you want a dps/tanking enchant.
I’m aware. I meant, how is 10 per week for your ZG group not enough?
You’re assuming that I’m with a set group and I’m not on my other toons. Also my raid team can’t do 2 lockouts a week so it’s never even a set group weekly for both runs. And due to the nature of roster boss, myself and others are having to flex back and forth our specs, caster DPS to tank to healer to melee DPS, so we need more idols to support the other gear sets as well. There’s so many options which is awesome, but the limited amount of eom items and idols make it difficult to support sometimes especially when you wanna get the edge above with a zg enchant but can’t win any in a pug