It would be great if there was a way to accumulate quantitative evidence of this problem. Unfortunately, the Wowhead drop rates are unreliable, so there is nothing to compare the in-game drop rate against with large numbers that smooth out RNG.
Then we have Blizzard’s history of accidentally changing things in Classic Era, the cryptic message on the April 8 SoM patch, and a bunch of anecdotal evidence that something is off. So what are we supposed to do other than theorize and ask Blizzard to look into it?
on a serious note, reaffirming that yes the drop rate of bijous on classic Era has been drastically gimped and we’re lucky to see 3-4 of them in total in a clear. the in-game item economy is already strained as it is, this is not helping things.
Please bump this post. The Bijou/coins drop rate on Classic Era is horrendously low, I don’t think this was on purpose. Was this intentional blizzard? Please talk to us, bijous are a big part of the end-game for classic and they are virtually unattainable now. Please respond blizzard, or fix the drop-rate. Bump this thread please guys!