ZG Bijous in Era

It would be great if there was a way to accumulate quantitative evidence of this problem. Unfortunately, the Wowhead drop rates are unreliable, so there is nothing to compare the in-game drop rate against with large numbers that smooth out RNG.

Then we have Blizzard’s history of accidentally changing things in Classic Era, the cryptic message on the April 8 SoM patch, and a bunch of anecdotal evidence that something is off. So what are we supposed to do other than theorize and ask Blizzard to look into it?

Experiencing same thing on Oceanic realms

What server are you on ive got 700+ bijous on a alli toon on remulos era.

Another case of Era being given the shaft.


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Can you NOT do that, please?

on a serious note, reaffirming that yes the drop rate of bijous on classic Era has been drastically gimped and we’re lucky to see 3-4 of them in total in a clear. the in-game item economy is already strained as it is, this is not helping things.

Did a run on oce realms just then. Only had 4 or 5 bijous drop in total. :disappointed:

I posted this to the bug forum with some numbers.

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Please bump this post. The Bijou/coins drop rate on Classic Era is horrendously low, I don’t think this was on purpose. Was this intentional blizzard? Please talk to us, bijous are a big part of the end-game for classic and they are virtually unattainable now. Please respond blizzard, or fix the drop-rate. Bump this thread please guys!

Unacceptable. What the fxck Microsoft?

this has been fixed, me and a group of 4 other people farmed trash in there for a couple hours and got 25+ bijous without killing a boss.

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