<Zero Visibility> 7/9M recruiting mythic raiders for CE push!

ZV is a weekend mythic raiding guild on Mal’Ganis looking for more players to push for CE. Over the course of Dragonflight we have built a solid group of gamers and a thriving discord community. Our vibes are undefeated and we play well and efficiently when it comes to raiding and pushing keys. We set expectations for players to be competitive while also matching the vibe of the group.

Raid Times

  • Main Raid: Fri-Sat @ 9-12am CST.
  • Alt Run: Wed @ 8pm CST

Wednesday alt runs during the first few weeks of a new tier are used as an early gearing head start before main raids. Attendance is not required. Being that we are a weekend raiding guild we understand some people cant make it during the week.

If you like having fun while raiding but also have a competitive edge to you, please feel free to apply!

Guild application


Social and mythic plus players are welcome to join as well. We spend most evenings during the week pushing keys or hanging out on discord. Our community leads host regular events for social players and the community plays a handful of other games as well. Feel free to reach out in game or on disc to one of our officers.

Disc contacts

  • Dom: @dom3908 (Recruitment Officer)
  • Splat: @Jawnskii (GM)