Zero effort in this new pvp season

returning to a new PvP season in WoW, as I do each season, eagerly anticipating the new elite sets and transmog. It’s disappointing to discover that nothing has been updated or changed. It feels like they’ve simply hit the reset button without any effort to keep players engaged until they introduce another version of the game, which ultimately diminishes the player base. I believe there will be studies in the future examining the decline of Blizzard Entertainment.



i feel ya bud

would recommend checking out wowhead in the future when it comes to end of expansion seasons

this exact season happened in SL, and the indication is it will likely continue. s4 in BFA is probably the last normal final season we may experience

That’s correct. And the only thing that can potentially change that is to unsubscribe.

Anyone who’s been here for more than expansion knows blizz slows down operations/effort when a new expansion is on the horizon.

Will be interesting to see how many people pvp for the fun of it versus rewards, now that they have put little effort

Are you not excited for your Catraptor mount?


troll thread

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Well bfa actually got a 4th raid lol

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but your are still subbed?